Attack of Chinese-Style �Red Guards�

In the 1970s, Soviet television often demonstrated videos of so-called "Red Guards" who dragged professors and scientists into the streets of China and lynched them. People were put on their knees, doused with mud, and they were hung inscriptions with accusations of betrayal, etc. on their chest.

The Chinese authorities thus fought against dissent and enemies inside the country and with admirers of the West and other enemies. However, all this was done not in courts, but by the hands of young people armed with sticks.

I remembered these videos today, when I watched the behavior of members of the Press Council and a group of pro-government journalists at a press conference of the mission of international observers.

There were shouts, screaming, swearing, waving hands, and demands to get out. All this came from a group of people who are cared for and cherished by the country's main ideologist, Ali Hasanov.

He often awards them, and they now claim to speak on behalf of the Azerbaijani press.

Look at these faces and at this behavior. Not having received orders from above, none of them would have dared to make a fuss. An additional proof of this was that after having disrupted the press conference today, they shut up after they received a new instruction.

Does their master understand what damage this inflicts to the image of the country and the head of state? He hardly does...

In 2013, the same people staged exactly the same scandal, trying to disrupt the presentation of the international mission in presidential elections. This suggests that such behavior is a well-established style, which the authorities do not hesitate to show publicly.

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