Shishonin, referring to international data, notes that most people transferred the virus without problems and did not even notice its presence in the body. This means that the immune system is in order.
Shishonin cited data from Italian statistics on mortality among those infected with coronavirus, which confirms the association of lung damage with coronavirus with chronic diseases, and especially the elderly.
For a thousand patients with coronavirus:
Age group | died | diseases |
0-9 years old | 0 | |
10-19 years old | 0 | |
20-29 years old | 0 | |
30-39 years old | 1 | chronical |
40- 49 years old | 1 | chronical |
50-59 | 6 | chronical |
60-69 | 27 | chronical |
70-79 | 96 | chronical |
80-89 | 169 | chronical |
90 – and more | 190 | chronical |
As you can see, the risk group is people over 60 years old.
According to Chinese data, 80% of the dead suffered from chronic lung diseases and were elderly. According to Italian data, 75 percent suffered from hypertension plus age.
According to Shishonin, the respiratory function decreases primarily from 500 milliliters of oxygen in a young person to 350 milliliters in elderly people in one breath. The respiratory rate is increased - from 14-16 breaths per minute in healthy people to 20 breaths per minute in patients.
This leads to poor oxygen saturation of the blood. Carbon dioxide is washed out of the blood, which leads to spasm of the capillaries, and thus the blood does not enter the tissue. Shishonin recommends preparing risk groups with a meeting with coronavirus: strengthen immunity, strengthen the lungs and restore respiratory function so that the body is well saturated with oxygen:
1. You have to walk a lot in the fresh air and breathe a lot - an hour and a half.
2. Lungs need fat for the lungs - fat protects the lungs. High fat diet, animal and vegetable fats for this period. No diet.
3. Respiratory function decreases. The diaphragm works poorly, which affects the flow of oxygen. It is necessary to turn on the diaphragm with special exercises. A person needs to consume 15 kg of air per day.
Below I present you a number of my conclusions:
According to international data, about 80% transmit the virus without an exacerbation of the disease, and carriers do not even know anything about it. This is due to the presence of the necessary level of immunity. The remaining 20%, in which the virus manifests itself in the form of ODS and complications, in the overwhelming cases carry the disease like normal flu in mild or exacerbated form. With timely treatment, the disease is safe, with the exception of the risk group, as mentioned above.
It follows that it is necessary to limit the public movement and activity of not everyone, but of risk groups (RG), that is, people who are registered in outpatient clinics, such as chronic patients with diabetes, heart failure, tuberculosis, hypertension, etc. (let's call GR )
In this case, the question arises of how to protect the risk group from other people with strong health (SH) - potential carriers of coronavirus (let us call them SH).
Here it is necessary to develop an action plan based on this real situation.
This may include:
Contact restrictions SH and RG.
Measures to enhance the immunity of individuals with RG.
The use of vaccinations against tuberculosis for all RG (It is noted that in the group where they were once vaccinated against tuberculosis, the incidence is by four times lower).
Studies show that the virus actively multiplies at a temperature of + 4-9 degrees, at a temperature of +15 degrees its activity drops sharply, at +30 it dies on the surface of something within a couple of hours. At a temperature of +70 degrees, it dies within 5 minutes. Scientists say that the virus enters the oral cavity and can stay there for 4 days; during this time, it penetrates the lungs, and then complications begin. Doctors often recommend drinking water to flush the virus into the stomach, where it dies in an alkaline environment.
I adhere to these rules; however, I drink tea or coffee at a temperature of +70 degrees and above. The temperature of boiling water drops from +100 to +70 in five minutes. I usually start drinking tea after three minutes, that is, above +70. I think that the rapid spread of the virus in the West is because they prefer to drink cold water and warm drinks there. This is especially noticeable in the US, where cold drinks are a favorite. Thus, we can conclude that cold and warm drinks below +30 create a favorable environment for the survivability of the virus.
You should also keep the room temperature as high as possible. This temperature will accelerate the process of destroying the virus in the room - on objects, clothing.
If you look at the map of the distribution of coronavirus around the world of Johns Hopkins University, you can see that it is less common in hot countries, especially the poor, for example, Africa. The exception is hot countries where air conditioners are widely used, which can be carriers of the virus and creators of a favorable temperature regime for their spread. These are rich countries of the Persian Gulf and others. Apparently, the rapid spread of the virus in Iran is associated with this. Here, homes are heated or cooled by centralized air collectors - grace for viruses.
First, it is necessary to create a special group to study various experiences, results and recommendations in the field of combating coronavirus and their practical application. Restrictions on movement and wearing masks are useful, but as the dynamics of the spread of the virus in Azerbaijan shows, it is stable and there is no tendency to decrease. How long can such an isolationist policy continue? Is there enough state resources for this? We need new preventive measures and their intensive application.
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