The order to attack did not work, not all attacked Ibrahimbayov

On the evening of May 24, three state-run television channels (AzTV, Public and "Kultura"), simultaneously surprising an incredibly unique coincidence in the broadcast network of different TV companies, showed the discussion of "the Caucasian trio" by Rustam Ibrahimbayov"s feature film "Experts". The film was shot in 2015, but - the second surprise - suddenly became a topic of close study by pro-government Azerbaijani media in May 2018, although the broad audience had not even heard of this tape before.

The TV debates were attended by the deputy Chingiz Ganiev; the editor-in-chief of the newspaper Bakinsky Rabochiy, Rahman Hajiyev; the actors of the closed theater Ibrus, which belonged to Ibrahimbayov and operated in Baku, of course, the author of the article that criticized the film, Ayaz Salayev, and TV presenters. Despite the participation of professional journalists in telecasting, no channel called Ibrahimbayov to Moscow, and did not let him speak about the film he had shot. Azerbaijani television channels behaved like court trios under Stalin - only prosecutors acted, the defense and the accused were not given the floor. The decision of the troika is death through execution.

Azerbaijani television is happy to copy the manners of Turkish TV channels, preparing yellow "store-shows", in which tasteless wedding singers teach people the "right life". But we do not want to repeat the experience of foreign TV channels that give the right to vote to the accused party, to turn to Ibrahimbayov at least through an Internet video (Skipe, etc.).

But since television in Azerbaijan does not form public opinion, in social networks it is possible to read absolutely different assessments of Ibrahimbayov's creativity. The participants of the discussions put forward the words of an Oscar-winning filmmaker who recalled that the film "In this southern city", filmed during the Soviet years and forbidden to show, just like the "Caucasian trio", was officially obstructed. And now this film is one of the favorite in Azerbaijan.

The activist of the Nizhny Novgorod (Russia) diaspora Vidadi Abbasov watched the scandalous tape and wrote: "The cheap and dirty Baku propaganda intrigued me. I just watched Rustam Ibrahimbayov's film "The Caucasian Trio". Received great pleasure. Great movie! Thanks to the author! I advise everyone to stop doing nonsense and tackle the problems of Azerbaijan. Your country's sex is on the verge of starvation ... ".

Other reviews:

- I have not yet seen the film by the scenario of R.Ibrahimbayov, but the fact that the experts were "intellectuals" Ali Hasanov and Ayaz Salaev - already straining ...

- The film failed, of course, everything is not at the level, the actors' play, the script, the director's work, but I want to note some nuances, where he tried to show the true face of our system. Take the Russian grandmother of the hero of the film, this is a small copy of the Russian policy towards us. Honestly, I do not know why and who just now remembered this film, I'm not interested, there are more mediocre films and big problems, which need to be talked about and not only. A movie ... but God be with it, does not need such a noise, there is nothing terrible and false there. Just failed ...

- Well, what would people, in Baku think about now, if there are not the authorities? That's right, about how to make ends meet and where to get money to pay at the end of the month for light and water. That is, about petty, mercantile, not worthy of real citizens. But then far-sighted figures from the authorities instruct the famous film critic to expose the even more famous playwright, to accuse him, no more, no less, of betraying national interests. And then everyone embraces an attack of sharp patriotism, people, forgetting about the pressing problems, begin to think about the sublime - about the homeland, about national interests. Someone with a foam at the mouth protects the playwright, someone a film critic, someone in general condemns all sales intelligentsia. People participate in the great cause, the defense of the fatherland. From the realization of this fact, their eyes are rounded, their back straightens, they grow like yeast in their own eyes and seem to themselves already great. After all, they participate in a noble cause. And they show the world how much they love their homeland ...

- ... Who was it necessary right now to throw a new topic for persecution in the Azerbaijani society?

What the hell should we discuss this film, if in principle the theme of Rustam Ibrahimbayov has long outlived itself and nothing new has been introduced in this topic?

And somehow quickly we forgot that a few years ago Rustam Ibrahimbayov refused the French Order of Arts and Literature and resigned from the post of the President of the Society for Cultural Relations "Azerbaijan-France" because the French Senate proposed criminalizing the denial of the Armenian Genocide.

By the way, read the Russian press - the first thing notes it is the weakest film with an indistinct history.

Some accuse Rustam Ibrahimbayov of an attempt to throw a stone into the garden of Armenians, for the main character, an Armenian, make his son to betray his Azerbaijani step-father, and the son is ready to betray the step father who had brought him up because of a flat he had got from his Georgian aunt.

There is not a single Armenian actor in the film, though the Armenian would be the best one to perform the role of the main hero in the film?

Probably it was the demand by R. Ibrahimbayov, or may be none Armenian agreed to perform a role that reveals the inclination of their Armenian brother to betrayal and the will to become rich by all means. Stop to follow those who incites hatred among compatriots. We may not like what they do, but we should not criticize all who dares to say things that do not coincide with our position in the Karabakh issue.

We can offer nothing - where are the genius creations of the Azerbaijani cinematographers on this topic, which fully reflects the mood of our society? -wrote the Azerbaijani living in Canada.

Now about the actors, students and colleagues of Ibrahimbayov. The actors Fahraddin Manafov and Mehriban Zeki were invited to the AzTv channel on 24 May. They both were involved in the plays in the "Ibrus " theater by R. Ibrahimbayov, which was closed by the authorities in 2018. Fahraddin Manafov, looking somewhere tiredly, made a speech demanding to give him answer to the question about "such a film." When the TV presenter asked M. Zeki to speak, she said that she will say nothing, because her age and her status in the theater do not allow her to criticize this respectable film-maker....

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