Azerbaijan is behind the leaders on the human development


Norway, Australia, the USA, the Netherlands, and Germany are the top five countries with the highest human development in the world, according  to the Human Development Report 2013, "The Rise of the South: human progress in a diverse world."
The report was prepared by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and contains information about the living standards and social protection of citizens of different countries, indicators of health, education and cultural development of the population, the rate of crime, the environment, people's participation in decision making.
In accordance with this document, Belarus, Russia and Kazakhstan are in the list of countries with high human development and occupy respectively 50, 55 and 69th places. In this category there is Georgia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan and Armenia are at 72, 78, 82 and 87 positions, respectively.
Turkmenistan ranks 102nd,  almost at the beginning of the list of countries with medium human development. In the same Moldova ranks 113rd, and Uzbekistan – 114th. The list of countries with a medium level of development are Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. They share 125th place.
It should be noted that Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia are placed in the category of countries with the highest levels of human development, ranking 33, 41 and 44  places respectively.
List of human development close the Niger, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Mozambique, Chad and Burkina Faso -  countries with a low level of human development. There are 44 countries in this group. 
Beginning in 1990, the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) has been  publishing an annual report on human development. The report was developed by a group of independent international experts, which, together with the analytical development, uses in their work  statistical data of various international organizations and other international agencies.
The report draws attention to the unprecedented pace of development in the South. In particular, the report noted the economic rise of China and India, which began when the number of people in each of these countries, in approximately one billion and less than over 20 years led to a doubling of output per capita. Today, India and China are in the list of countries with a medium level of development.
According to the report, the USA remains the largest economy in the world in the foreseeable future will remain so in terms of value. Experts believe that  if the U.S. economic recovery is delayed, it will be difficult for Europe to break out of the current economic and social problems. This, in their view, would entail far-reaching implications for the developing world. -02D-

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