The civil society will discuss the demolition of the historic architecture of Baku

On June 7 the Committee to Protect Civil Society will hold a roundtable on the topic: "The History of Baku erased. What should  the civil society make? " The event will be held in the office of the Azerbaijan National Committee of Helsinki Citizens Assembly Baku (Istiglaliyat Street, 63.)

Issues of urban development in Baku, the problem of violation of property rights, the environment and man-made hazards, budget spending, and others will be discussed at the roundtable. A special place in the course of discussions will be devoted to the fate of the historical sites that illegally demolished in the capital city under the pretext of beautification.

Consistent destruction of architectural buildings increased  in the area of the former Sovetskaya Street under the protection of the state, where most of the 138 houses built in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, have been demolished. According to the law "On protection of historical and cultural monuments" of 2001  was approved the list of architectural monuments, taken under state protection. By the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers dated August 2, 2001, at the entire territory of the country more than 8,000 historical and cultural monuments  were taken under the  state protection.

"In 2009  the Milli Majlis ratified the European Convention for the Protection of the architectural heritage, and all the historical and cultural monuments are the subject of this Convention," said Aytekin Imranova, co-chairman of the public committee "Sacred Property."-0-

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