The sum will not change if to change the place of addends

Baku/14.09.21/Turan: Ramin Bayramli, Chairman of the Board of  AMMTU (Association for Management of Medical Territorial Units (TƏBIB), resigned, he wrote on his Twitter page.

 "Dear friends! I have already submitted an application for resignation from the post of chairman of the board of AMMTPU. I would like to express my gratitude to my dear colleagues, with whom we worked side by side both during the 44-day war and in the fight against the general scourge of the COVID-19 virus. I bow to the memory of our doctors who sacrificed their lives. I will continue to serve my Motherland and people afterwards, ”reads the tweet.

The activities of the AMMTU  has been criticized a lot, in addition, messages about the construction of a villa by Ramin Bayramli were spread on social networks, which was regarded as an indirect involvement in corruption.

The day before, by the decision of the Chairman of the Board of the State Agency for Compulsory Health Insurance (Agency) Zaur Aliyev, Vugar Javanshir oglu Gurbanov, who was still the head of the agency's medical claims department, was empowered to temporarily fulfill the duties of the chairman of the board of AMMTU.

How will the personnel reshuffle affect the activities of AMMTU? Economist Nazim Baydamirli answers these and other questions in the "Difficult Question" program.

According to him, personnel reshuffles are unlikely to contribute to a radical solution of problems - it has been said more than once that the sum will not change from the reshuffle of the terms. Medicine, as well as the system of social relations, the areas under the supervision of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development, the State Fund for Social Protection and other structures responsible for the social sphere should be reformed as it was done in Georgia.

“I do not believe that the resignation of Ramin Bayramli and the appointment of any other person in his place will improve the situation. The AMMTU is a structure created to take away some of the functions of the Ministry of Health. Nothing more,” the expert said.

However, according to Baidamirli, the voluntary resignation of an official and an appeal to the public through a social network can only be welcomed. “Such examples are extremely rare, but let's hope that the culture of resignation will appear in Azerbaijan as well,” he said, adding that a bad tradition has formed in Azerbaijan when officials want to retain their posts for life.

“True, there are those who wish to leave their posts, but they are not released. It turns out a vicious circle - either the official must retire to another world, or go to places not so distant," he said. –0—


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