Baku Accounts for 86.5% of Industrial Product

In 2014, which the government declared the Year of Industry, the volume of industrial production in the city of Baku totaled 27.6 billion manat. This is 8.6% less than in the previous year.

According to the Statistics Department of Baku, the share of the mining industry in general industrial product of the city was 79.3%. Processing plants produced 16.1% of the industrial product of Baku. In this case, 80.4% (22.2 billion manat) of industrial products were produced in the private sector, which also includes oil produced by foreign companies.

According to the State Statistics Committee, last year the volume of industrial production in Azerbaijan totaled 31.9 billion manat. Thus, 86.5% of this product accounted for the capital. ----08D

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