Closed to Public Bakielektrikshebeke

Round-table discussion on "Problems of citizens in the consumption of electricity and solutions", organized by the Public Association «Transparency Azerbaijan», with the financial support of the American Institute for International Development (USAID) was held in Baku.

According to the executive director of the «Transparency Azerbaijan» Rena Safaraliyeva, reforms of the present reconstruction of energy are aimed to improving the quality of supply of electricity and reducing losses, increasing efficiency and energy savings in the area of ​​demand. However, there are problems related to the relationship between citizens and the supervisory authorities of Bakielektrikshebeke.

As the chief of sector of client service and customer care department of the distributor of electricity in Baku, Tofig Abdullayev said, the number of complaints in comparison with previous years has decreased, they are all considered in the personal order. In the capital, there have been created 14 operational committees and 11 districts (2 commissions each in the Binagadi, Khazar and Sabunchu districts with a large spread of settlements), the official has cited statistics for complaints.

Speaking with a specific analysis of the situation, the expert of of NGO Constitution Fund, Alekper Agasiev said that as the cause of conflict there is often encountered impunity of state monopolies in the field of public utilities and collusion with government oversight. So, a few years ago in the Sabail by feeding excess electricity (380 volts instead of 220), hundreds of civilians lost their household appliances. However, the district court judge did not accept the claims for consideration on the basis of information from Bakielektrikshebeke that there was not such a fact.

Until now, there is no single act of a fault on the part of the distributor, and the notice shall be drawn up directly by the inspection agency, excluding the requirements of the Law "On Protection of Consumers' Rights. Acts of abuse to the consumer are compiled with the instructions - so that power consumer is not liable for damage meter installed outside his home, but there are thousands of cases of fines imposed by the courts in these cases. Capital supplier of electricity in many cases collects money from customers via Komtek Ltd and some other similar structures. A few months later it turns out that these funds have not been credited to the account Bakielektrikshebeke, but the court punishes not the mediator, but the end consumer.

Problems with the citizens are the most massive, because 43% of electricity consumption accounted for the category "population", 25% for transport, 12% - for industry, 7% - for commercial services and so on.

The participants of the "round table" looked forward to the public availability of statistics of Bakielektrikshebeke on a quarterly compilation of organization problems and the creation of an independent joint commission, in which members of the public would also attend. - 17D-


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