For the first time oil production in us topped import

For the first time since 1995 oil production in US has topped import of hydrocarbons, Jay Carney, the White House speaker, told journalists yesterday.

“This is a result of increase in oil production and policy pursued by the US administration,” he said. He cited an example of toughening of standards of automobile fuel consumption, which allowed reducing oil consumption, pollution of environment with carbonic acid and reducing the consumers’ costs. 

The new strategy of energy safety has been worked out since Barack Obama’s coming to power. It, particularly, envisages reduction of foreign oil import by one third during ten years and increase in local production of hydrocarbons. President offered to reduce energy resources consumption and invest in development of such alternative sources, as geothermal, solar and wind power, bio fuel and   production of more efficient and ecologically clean cars, reported http:///


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