New AMF Bonds Issue

Azerbaijan Mortgage Fund (AMF) returned to the stock market, abandoned on June 10 last year.

According to the report structure, the State Securities Committee (SSC) on December 30 with the ISIN-code AZ2009008684 registered the issue prospectus of interest covered bonds in the amount of 50 million manat. AMF intends to sell 50,000 bonds with nominal value of each of them in 1,000 manat. The rate for the next issue of securities is set at 3%.

This is not the first mortgage fund to raise finance through bonds. Until June 10, 2014 there were taken 8 bond issues totaling AZN 340 million. (55 million, 75 million, 60 million, 20 million, 30 million, 40 million, 20 million, 40 million manat respectively). --17D-

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