Oil Factor Pulling Down Foreign Trade Turnover

The downward trend in stock prices for hydrocarbon resources in the amount of negative impact of foreign trade turnover of Azerbaijan: two months the volume of foreign trade of the country decreased by $ 926.7 million or 18.6%, according to the State Customs Committee.

Since the beginning of the volume of import-export operations of private and public entities, and individuals amounted to $ 4 billion 41.7 million. The positive balance of foreign trade amounted to $ 627.4 million.

This year has been exported goods worth $ 2 billion 334,600,000, which is 38.2% less than two months of last year. The share of crude oil, petroleum and natural gas for many years of the oil boom has dropped below 90% and amounted to 84.8%.

The volume of imports has dramatically increased. In the two months were imported goods worth $ 1.7 billion, which is 43.4% more than in the same period of 29014 years. Also increased the volume of food imports (+ 35.8%), ferrous metals (46.8%) and vehicles (5 times). They accounted for 55% of imports of goods in January-February 2015.

Reusable races volume of imports of vehicles likely to be related to the customs clearance previously imported aircraft. According to the SCC, from the beginning of the year were imported land vehicles and their spare parts worth about $ 110 million.

It is noteworthy that the share of public sector in the structure of imports of goods is 26.8%, while exports of goods - 87.1%.

Note that in neighboring Georgia, two months of this year were exported goods worth $ 324 million and imports - $ 1 billion 109 million. ---- 08D

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