State Statistics Committee - discovered more than 105 thousand. New jobs

The State Statistics Committee of Azerbaijan has announced the creation of 127,315 new jobs in 2014, of which approximately 30% accounted for the city of Baku. The country's population does not believe such claims.

According to official figures, more than 105 000 new jobs are permanent. At the same time 80.2 thousand or 76.3% of them are created by individuals who are engaged in entrepreneurial activity without creating a legal entity. The remaining jobs were opened in new ventures - 12.6%, operating enterprises - 10.4%, and to restore the activity of enterprises - 0.7%.

According to the official statistics, by the beginning of February this year, the number of economically active population of the country exceeded 4.6 million people. In 2014, the number of employees in the country grew by only 6 thousand. And the number of persons receiving unemployment status by the beginning of this year amounted to 28.8 thousand.

In favor of the growth of jobs is the amount of income tax (980.2 million manat), which increased by 14% in 2014. At the same time, the average salary rose by 4.5%.

Experts stress the fact that the Government in its statements about the development of entrepreneurship and opening of new jobs all the time keeps silent on the closed factories and the abandoned workplaces, does not account for turnover of staff and the closure of temporary jobs and the number of new jobs at an annual rate is specified in the growing pace.

It should be noted that this year because of lower budget revenues, economic activity in the country may fall. And this will inevitably lead to job losses. There are already a few examples of suspension of the activity of enterprises and the dismissal of staff, temporary unpaid leave. ------08D

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