CIS Secret Services to coordinate efforts to fight Islamic radicalism (UPDATED)

Azerbaijan is concerned about the spread of jihadist ideology associated with the group "Islamic State." The growing threat of the spread of  the CIS radical religious ideology and the formation of an underground network of structures associated with the "Islamic state" in the CIS countries requires a strengthening of the cooperation of all security services, as stated today in Baku at the opening of the security bodies of the Council of the CIS countries, head of department on work with law-enforcement agencies of the presidential administration of Azerbaijan Fuad Alasgarov. "Not so long ago our intelligence agencies held a number of successful operations to curb the activities of a number of dangerous religious extremist groups. We believe that the effective exchange of experience and reliable partnerships are important tools for creating essential prerequisites for achieving significant results in solving problems by  secret services," he said. As follows from the statements of other participants of the meeting, the special services of the CIS countries intend to develop joint measures to combat "Islamic state" and the spread of the CIS radical religious ideology. Representatives of several European  countries  attended the  41st meeting in Baku as observers.—0--

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2016 September 28 (Wednesday) 10:34:24

On Wednesday in Baku opened a meeting of the Council of Heads of Security Bodies and Special Services of the CIS. The day before they were received by President Ilham Aliyev.

‘We attach great importance to the activities of the Council, we believe that it is very effective, it contributes to strengthening cooperation between the member countries, as well as the strengthening of security in our countries,’ he said.

You cannot alone ensure the security of any country. Without collaboration, cooperation, joint efforts in the fight against terrorism, radicalism, extremism it is very difficult to provide security.

Events in the Middle East, which are almost out of control, the terrorist attacks on European capitals, in other regions of the globe, the growing tension - all this is the reality of today's world.

The Chairman of the Council of Heads of the CIS Countries' Security, the Director of the FSB (Russian Federal Security Service), Alexander Bortnikov, in turn, noted that the threat of terrorism is the main issue to be discussed at the meeting: ‘assessment of threats to countries outside the CIS, and the development of countermeasures to them,’ he said. -02D-

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