Index of Reporters Without Borders: Islet of independent media remained in Azerbaijan

Today the organization "Reporters without Borders" published its press freedom index in the world. This is an annual ranking of freedom in countries that appeared on the basis of media freedom and journalists, as well as government policy in the field of freedom of expression.

According to this report, there are some problems in some European countries, covering the first 30 places in the list of the freest countries, such as Italy, where there is still no decriminalization of defamation.

The economic crisis and budget cuts at the media undermines the activity of the press in France.

In Hungary, there is repressive legislation, which significantly affected the state of freedom of speech. The worst situation exists in Greece, where journalists work in the catastrophic social and professional atmosphere.

Many similar problems are noted in Bulgaria, Croatia, Albania, Macedonia and Montenegro. Severe is the situation in Turkey, despite the diversity and activity of the media, this country has become the world's biggest prison for journalists.

In Russia (148th), there is a return to the repression of the former USSR and the government has launched a massive attack on the civil society, and tightened control over the Internet, and limited foreign funding of human rights defenders.

Kazakhstan (160th) in 2012 experienced a policy of repression and strengthened the authoritarian model of government, as in Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan.

In Azerbaijan and Belarus (the 156th and 157th places), there is a general atmosphere of pressure and violence against members of the public outcry, where dozens of journalists have been arrested and beaten.

Independent journalists and bloggers are at serious risks in informing the public. In Azerbaijan the noose is tightening around and islet of opposition media in the country, while several journalists languish in jail without trial in appalling conditions.

2013 began with more arrests and violence, which point to a further slide to the bottom of the Index.

In Armenia (74) and Georgia (100), the situation is better, there is a pluralism of the media, a low level of censorship, but even there the press is facing serious challenges.

Turkmenistan (177) and Uzbekistan (164) are a nightmare for journalists, where dozens are in prison and the government has full control of the Internet.

The worst situation exists in North Korea, Somalia, and Eritrea. -02D-


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