Açiq mənbələrdən foto.

Açiq mənbələrdən foto.

Baku/22.12.21/Turan: National Council of Democratic Forces has assessed the latest statements and actions of Russia's leadership as a threat to Azerbaijan's sovereignty.

In a statement on Wednesday, the National Council called on official Baku to declare such actions unacceptable. In particular, the Council considers the draft agreement on regional security proposed by Russia to NATO as a threat.

According to this document, NATO and the U.S. should discontinue all their military activities in Ukraine, the Caucasus and Central Asia and guarantee that the former Soviet republics will not be accepted into NATO. The Russia's demand means that Moscow is declaring these regions as a zone of its interests and thus violating the sovereignty and independence of the countries there.

"No state, including Russia, can veto Azerbaijan's military cooperation with other countries, including cooperation with NATO. The choice of a military ally is Azerbaijan's exclusive right," the statement said. -03D-


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