Over 100 Azerbaijanis have become victims of Russia’s war against Ukraine

Over 100 Azerbaijanis have become victims of Russia’s war against Ukraine

Since the beginning of the large-scale war in Ukraine in February 2022, at least 60 ethnic Azerbaijanis who fought in the Ukrainian army have been killed, Ghalib Osmanli, spokesperson for the United Azerbaijani Diaspora of Ukraine,  told Turan. According to him, there is a list of these individuals by name. The deceased include both Ukrainian citizens and Azerbaijanis with residence permits. Approximately 70-80 of the deceased Azerbaijanis were civilians.

Osmanli noted that at the onset of the war in 2022, there were 400,000-500,000 Azerbaijanis living in Ukraine, about 100,000 of whom were citizens. In the war, which has now lasted almost 1000 days, ethnic Azerbaijanis continue to fight in the Ukrainian army.

In turn, Elkhan Nuriyev, head of the Audit Commission of the Union of Ukrainian Officers, pointed out the lack of official statistics on the number of Azerbaijanis fighting and those who have been killed in the war against Russia.

Ukraine does not release data on casualties and injuries. According to unofficial estimates, about 100 Azerbaijanis - both military personnel and civilians - have died in the war in Ukraine. Currently, approximately 1,000 Azerbaijanis are fighting on the side of Ukraine, including citizens of Azerbaijan, Georgia, and even Russia.

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