Soldier"s parents demand to stop non-combat losses in the army


"Stop soldiers' death" was the theme of today's roundtable in the media center of the Institute for Reporters Freedom and Safety (IRFS), organized by the NGO "The victims of the truce." The meeting participants discussed the problem of non combat deaths in the army.
Head of the NGO Bayaly Azizov, expressed concern over the growing dynamics of non-combat deaths over the last 10 years. Parents of soldiers blamed for the deaths  the Defense Minister, Safar Abiyev, and chief of staff, Najmeddin Sadigov.
They also expressed their dissatisfaction with the course of the investigation into the soldiers' deaths and the concealment of the truth. Without an objective investigation it is  impossible to identify the causes of deaths of soldiers, and prevent this in the future.
    In some cases the investigation of deaths of soldiers not to follow through, and the investigation shifted to the facts misappropriation.
The fathers of the two dead soldiers, Etibar Mamedov and Etibar Guliyev, could not stand the injustice and died.
Parents also complained of not respect  attitude  of the Defense Ministry to the memory of the dead soldiers.  The representatives of Defense  Ministry did not attend their funeral.
Parents  of the killed soldiers are not  received in the  Defense Ministry. The parents also noted the need for a law "On the status of martyrs." In particular,  it is proposed to reflect  in them the cost of funding for all of the funeral  ceremonies of soldiers by state.
Parents also expressed gratitude to the organizers and participants of the rally  on March 10 against non-combat deaths in the army.
   They rejected the accusations of the authorities, the organizers and the  rally participants  politicize the issue of the death of soldiers.
It was noted that only in 2012, about 100 soldiers died in non-combat conditions. The participants said they would continue to participate in the protests  on non-combat deaths in the army, in the case of such rallies. 
They called on the leadership of the country and the Ministry of Defense to end the 
soldiers’ deaths.
 The NGO "Victims truce" was founded in February 2012;  despite numerous appeals to the Justice Ministry, the organization was not registered. --05C06--  

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