Açıq mənbələrdən foto

Açıq mənbələrdən foto

A resident of Baku, Valeh Jabbarov, told the Gezetchi website that on March 20, his HOWA car, loaded with a cube-stone, was detained at the Garadagh post by a police officer named Etibar. “The police officer, who introduced himself as the commander of the Garadagh post, demanded from me a monthly (“tərəzi haqqı”) weight fee of “Azeravtoyol” in the amount of 300 manats, and the Traffic Police issue a fine in accordance with the law. After that, the truck is allowed to continue driving.) Despite the fact that I was ready to pay in exchange for a receipt, the police officer said that they did not have a receipt, and told that I must pay the amount only in cash; otherwise to pay 600 manats fine. "

Jabbarov brought to the attention of the police officer that according to the relevant resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers, employees of state bodies are prohibited from accepting cash from citizens, and all payments are made to a numbered account." However, the police officer got angry, took my truck and left it at the post.

The complainant noted that the incident caused him serious financial damage, as there are six people in his family, including four minor children. “No one except me works in the family; we do not receive any social assistance. Since a pandemic reigns in the country, then, as in all spheres, there are practically no jobs in the construction sector. I only have this truck; and I earn money only by driving stones-cubes on it, and selling them. Now my truck is at the checkpoint, and I was fined 600 manats.”

The driver said that due to the actions of the police officer, he complained to the call center of the General Directorate for Combating Corruption under the Attorney General and the Ministry of Internal Affairs. "Although I wrote a complaint to the Ministry of the Interior, my application still remains unanswered."

The head of the public relations department of the Main Department of the State Traffic Police of Baku, Vagif Asadov, told Turan that the driver, first, should apply to the Main Department of the State Traffic Police of Baku. “As for the Garadagh post, it is located on the Baku-Salyan highway. It would be nice if the driver addressed accordingly. Why didn't he go to the post and complain? If drivers believe that illegal actions have been committed against them, they must immediately inform us in writing or orally."

V. Asadov noted that it is impossible to take cargo in excess of the norm. "Especially if building materials are being transported. It is still unknown whether the driver covered the cargo that he was carrying or not. I do not even know how many kilograms the load weighs; only scales can determine this."  Asadov said there are different ways to pay by card.  That is, based on the protocol, you can pay with a plastic card. After drawing up the protocol, the driver himself pays by card or pays at the post. This is up to him. If the driver pays within ten days, benefits are automatically applied there. If he pays within a month, he pays as is. If payment is made for more than a month, then a daily penalty of 1% is charged." Asadov added that if the driver has a complaint, then he is ready to accept his complaints in the management, even orally.-0-


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