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Clarifier of Putin's idea, or the author of the denazification plan?

Putin is considered the ideologist and executor of the plan of denazification and demilitarization of Ukraine. But Putin, having proclaimed this slogan (there are other points there) on the first day of the start of the war against Ukraine (February 24, 2022), did not explain the mechanism of his understanding of denazification (with demilitarization, it is clear - the destruction of the army and military infrastructure of the enemy). The lack of a coherent explanation made the Kremlin propagandists think up the speech of the President of Russia. It is noteworthy that Peskov, Putin's press secretary, was forced to repeat that "the plan will be implemented in full," although Putin had to withdraw the army from the Kiev, Chernivtsi, and Sumy regions.

The question of the authorship of Putin's ideology was revealed the other day, in an article by Timofey Sergeytsev (philosopher, methodologist, member of the Zinoviev Club of MIA Russia Today), published in the Russian state news agency RIA Novosti. From the publication it becomes known that for the first time the plan of action in Ukraine was drawn up by Sergeytsev or some Russian structure that put it forward, almost a year before the start of the war in Ukraine - 04/10/2021, in the article "What kind of Ukraine we don't need".

Timofei Sergeytsev then wrote: “The start of a large-scale military conflict starting in the Ukrainian Donbass is more and more likely. The actions and rhetoric of the participants involved increasingly testify to the pre-war nature of the situation. Ukraine, the existence of which is still acceptable, must unambiguously be neutral and federal (confederal), should (will be forced) to abandon both internal and external Russophobia.

Sergeytsev also quoted Putin's demands:

- we will not let the Ukrainian Donbass be crushed by force;

- if an attack is attempted, the nominal state of Ukraine will be liquidated;

- none of the formally independent "republics" that fell away from Russia during the dismantling of the USSR, not only Ukraine, can be used by the West to harm Russia.

In RIA Novosti, the Kremlin "appointed" Ukrainians as fascists Further, Sergeytsev justified the assertion about fascism in Ukraine in his own way (“the fascist nature of the social organization of the population in Ukraine is beyond doubt” - Sergeytsev), and predicted: “The liquidation of such a Nazi community will require not only cutting off the top of its leadership, but purging the Nazisified people themselves from Nazi influence and involvement in Nazi ideology and practice".

The author refers to the same as Russian propagandists, offering attention to the book by M. S. Grigoriev and D. V. Sablin "Ordinary fascism. Ukrainian war crimes and violations of human rights (2017-2020)".

To substantiate the idea of ​​Nazism in Ukraine, the works of the Nazis are used. The author writes that the "Ukrainian racial doctrine", which has permeated the politics, legal and educational systems of Ukrainian society, is in no way inferior to the Gobineau-Rosenberg-Hitler racial doctrine, which assumed the genocide not only of the Jewish and Gypsy, but also of the Russian and other Slavic peoples, with the conversion of the survivors into eternal slavery.

A year ago, Sergeytsev moved from the descriptive part of the article to specific proposals, telling RIA Novosti readers: "In the event of an offensive in the Donbass, the use of peace enforcement methods against Ukraine, similar to the operation against the armed forces of Georgia in 2008, will not be enough."

He proposes to apply to the Ukrainians the American plan of denazification of the population of Germany that lost the war, executed after the Second World War.

From punishment and suspension to lustration and cleaning textbooks

A year ago, Sergeytsev wrote: “Everyone who voluntarily participated in the so-called ATO, everyone who publicly supported and justified its conduct, in essence, war criminals in the relevant categories, should be punished and removed from the performance of state, political, legal, educational functions. (in Germany these were: the main criminals, the criminals, the less guilty, fellow travelers.) All materials (concepts, textbooks, literature, films, etc.) qualifying as elements of racial doctrine on the grounds of supposed superiority should be withdrawn from the programs of education and cultural policy intentional distortion of historical facts, unacceptable assessments in the spirit of hostility, insult, humiliation and hatred. It will be necessary to ban and dissolve all organizations that in one way or another took part in military aggression, propaganda and promotion of Ukrainian Nazism."

"What Russia should do with Ukraine" is the title of the second article by the same Kremlin ideologist, published in RIA Novosti a week after the invasion of Ukraine – 03.04/2022.

In this article, Sergeytsev reveals everything that Putin did not say when he announced several points of his plan for Ukraine on the first day of the war. Of course, after the total annihilation of all Ukrainians who fought or somehow participated in the resistance (the author calls them Nazis, etc.), he explains: “Total lustration must be carried out. Any organizations that have associated themselves with the practice of Nazism are liquidated and banned. "However, in addition to the top, a significant part of the masses of the people are also guilty, which are passive Nazis, accomplices of Nazism. They supported the Nazi power and indulged it. Just punishment of this part of the population is possible only as bearing the inevitable hardships of a just war against the Nazi system, conducted as carefully and as carefully as possible. prudently towards civilians. Further denazification of this mass of the population consists in re-education, which is achieved by ideological repression (suppression) of Nazi installations and strict censorship: not only in the political sphere, but necessarily also in the sphere of culture and education.

Ukraine is forbidden to be Ukraine, and Ukrainians - Ukrainians

Then Sergeytsev categorically postulates: "A denazified country cannot be sovereign. A denazifying state - Russia - cannot proceed from a liberal approach regarding denazification. The ideology of a denazifier cannot be disputed by the guilty party undergoing denazification."

The time frame for the purge in Ukraine has been determined: "The time frame for denazification cannot be less than one generation, which must be born, grow up and reach maturity under the conditions of denazification."

He decided on the name of what they would create: "The name "Ukraine" apparently cannot be retained as the title of any fully denazified state entity in the territory liberated from the Nazi regime ... Cadres and organizations that are a tool for denazification in the new denazified republics, cannot but rely on the direct military and organizational support of Russia... Denazification will inevitably be a de-Ukrainization - a rejection of the large-scale artificial inflating of the ethnic component of self-identification of the population of the territories of historical Little Russia and New Russia, begun by the Soviet authorities... Unlike, say, from Georgia and the Baltic countries, Ukraine, as history has shown, is impossible as a nation state, and attempts to "build" one naturally lead to Nazism.

The future of the population of the territory enslaved by the Kremlin is painted to the smallest detail, indicating the state organizations of the Russian Federation, which are assigned the responsibility for remaking Ukrainians: "Organization of local self-government bodies, police and defense, cleared of Nazi elements, launching on their basis the founding processes of founding a new republican statehood, integrating this statehood in close cooperation with the Russian department for the denazification of Ukraine (newly created or remade, say, from Rossotrudnichestvo), the adoption under Russian control of the republican regulatory framework (legislation) for denazification, the definition of the boundaries and framework for the direct application of Russian law and Russian jurisdiction in the liberated territory in sphere of denazification.

Rashism is a Russian variety of racism

Sergeytsev sums up the Ukrainian part of his epic with the words: Russia will have no allies in the denazification of Ukraine. Since this is a purely Russian business.

Two articles published in the state news agency of the Russian Federation, written during the year of the war and in the first week of Putin’s war against Ukraine, leave no doubt about the conceptuality and thoughtfulness of what is happening in Ukraine in 2022. The aggression of the Russian Federation is not a spontaneous response to certain events in Ukraine (“it will join NATO, they discriminate against Russians,” etc.). At the beginning of 2021, a plan of aggression began to mature in the Kremlin, the public spokesman of which was Timofey Sergeytsev.

The Kremlin ideologist, in two articles with a difference of one year, openly puts Russians higher in development than Ukrainians, even writes that Ukrainians are not capable of having their own state. Forbids Ukraine to remain Ukraine, and Ukrainians to be Ukrainians. The German deputy considers Sergeytsev's articles to be spreading the ideology of racism. It remains for the court in Germany to pass a legal sentence on the author of the so-called "denazification".


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