Elmira Ismailova: Be Brave Like Khadija

Elmira Ismayilova, the mother of the convicted journalist Khadija Ismayilova, responded to questions from the radio Voice of America ​​and congratulated on the occasion of March 8 all women fighting for freedom, including the Azerbaijani women, in the face of her daughter Khadija . She wished women courage and fearlessness.

"I am proud that my Khadija is such a person. I wish all women, all our people not to fear of fighting for freedom, for the development of our country and to achieve this," Elmira Ismayilova said.

In her opinion, freedom is the highest value not only for the Azerbaijani people, but for all people worldwide.

When asked what she would like to say to her daughter, Elmira Aliyeva said: "My words for Khadija are that she is really brave. Despite the fact that she is in jail, Khadija continues her work. She is not discouraged and does not lose heart. In prison, she translates books and has already finished the second one. I can only wish her health and strength, and she already knows and does everything else.

However, she always tells me: "Mom, be strong", soothes all and encourages them not to be afraid and not to give up the fight," Elmira Ismayilova said. -03D-

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