Isa Gambar: "Political Change Irreversible in Azerbaijan"

Political changes are irreversible, and it is desirable that they are evolutionary - said in an interview with Objective TV ( the leader of the Musavat Party Isa Gambar.

Unfortunately, dictators ignore the lessons of history. So, Mubarak in Egypt was tougher than his Tunisian colleague, and Gaddafi was even tougher, but he was brutally murdered.

Assad clings to power, at the cost of thousands of victims in the conflict involves neighboring states, but it will not save him.

Azerbaijan is ruled by a medieval regime where all is subordinated to the interests of the ruling family. This was shown by the scandalous video with MP Gular Akhmedova, who, with access to the highest state officials, openly sold an MP seat for a million dollars. Akhmedova openly said that there is only one voter in the country and the list of MPs is drawn up in advance and varies depending on the size of the purse of the candidates.

The video shows that even the "ruling" party does not generate a list of its MPs. All members, including the so-called opposition, are appointed after passing through the filter of the presidential administration. As a result, at the session of the Parliament no one mentioned this shameful fact!

It is significant that the sale of seats is growing from election to election - in 1995, such cases were an exception, but in 2010, they became a lot. These people gain their MP seats just to get immunity.

In the neighboring Georgia a video with facts of humiliation of prisoners has galvanized the entire country. The Interior Minister and the head of the Penitentiary Service resigned. In Azerbaijan, such cases are a lot. In 2011, a social network presented a video clip showing the humiliation of soldiers and outright hazing in the Azerbaijani army. Local communities protested, but only a sergeant was arrested on the fact.

Since last year, the authorities have been “fighting corruption” in the framework of the obligations to international organizations. The climax of this activity is the arrest of an assistant prosecutor, a chief physician, a school principal and other minor artists. Military recruitment officers were removed from their posts at the recruiting office, but whom were they replaced with? The local political control scheme is that a thief is changed not for an honest official, but for another thief.

The Public Chamber and the Musavat Party after the elections in 2010 expressed the need for the dissolution of the illegitimate parliament. Past two years, the real opposition focuses on the need for political reform, and early elections to the parliament is a topic number one.

As for the parliamentary elections in Georgia, the public and politicians of Azerbaijan have much to learn. Thanks to the sustained reforms after the "Rose Revolution", they established the rule of law, not political expediency. There is a separation of powers and the media are the mouthpiece of political forces and social movements.

According to Gambar, up to the presidential elections in Azerbaijan in 2013 the situation will be hot and qualitative changes will happen in the socio-political life of the country. The country has adopted a number of international commitments and its political leadership cannot ignore the basic requirements of the partners. The ruling family and its surroundings have to realize that Azerbaijan is not only a "perpetual transport corridor."

It is time to comply with international conventions setting out the rights and freedoms of citizens, bring the law enforcement mechanism to normal, give the people the right to choose and make the economy free. -17D-

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