Islamic Party: Azerbaijan is going the Wrong Way

Islamic Party of Azerbaijan (IPA), is not against the Azerbaijani state; those who claim that, do not know what patriotism is or love for people, reads the publication sent to Turan agency by IPA deputy chairman for Political Affairs, Akif Heydarl,.

Patriotism and love for people is not universal, but namely an Islamic value.  The difference between the IPA from other parties is that it prefers moral values, Heydarli believes.

He criticizes Azerbaijan's oil strategy, which earns more for the West than for the people of Azerbaijan. In Azerbaijan, those who get into the pocket of the state, have the benefit from the oil boom.

Oil revenues encourage corruption and bribery. Implementation of the oil strategy has revealed lies that it will solve the Karabakh problem.

Rather than listen to the IPA position, a label of "pro-Iranian" party was hung on it, said Heydarli.

He also believes that the Azerbaijani society has become morally corrupt by Western influence, namely through beauty contests, etc.

Heydarli also reminded that in 1996, a group of former executives of IPA was arrested for protectin national and spiritual values, ??and that foreign circles were behind the arrest. 

Similarly, initiated IPA activists arrests in February 2010 (Islamists marchers to the Alley of Martyrs) and leaders of IPA in January 2011.

Heydarli said all leaders and members of IPA have been convicted on trumped-up politically motivated charges. International organizations have also recognized the convicted Islamists as political prisoners.-05D06- 


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