Əfqan Sadıqov. Açiq mənbələrdən foto.

Əfqan Sadıqov. Açiq mənbələrdən foto.

Baku/30.04.21/Turan: Afgan Sadigov, editor of the AzelTV website, who is on a long hunger strike, suffer pain in his legs, his memory has greatly weakened and diabetes developed, his wife Sevinj Sadigova said on Friday.

Currently, he is in the Medical Institution of the Ministry of Justice and an endocrinologist has been invited to him. "After the examination, the doctor said that if the process continues, then Afgan's kidneys and other organs will fail," said the spouse.

Afgan Sadigov was arrested in 2020 on charges of accepting a 10,000-manat bribe together with Sakit Muradov, editor of the website xeberfakt.az. However, only Afghan Sadigov was convicted on this fact. He was imprisoned for 7 years. After the refusal of the Court of Appeal to release him, Afgan Sadigov began a hunger strike.

After some time, the doctors put him on artificial nutrition.-03B-


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