Avtandil Mammadov Still Can Be Arrested in Georgia

Baku / 06.26.19 / Turan: The Azerbaijani activist Avtandil Mammadov, detained in Georgia, was released on June 25 after a deposit of 3,000 lari was presented. About this Mammadov himself said. According to him, his family did not have such funds, and his friends and colleagues gathered the money.

Recall that Mammadov was detained in Georgia on June 17 at the request of the law enforcement agencies of Azerbaijan. On June 19, the Marneuli District Court decided to release Mammadov on bail. Georgian prosecutors filed a protest for his release.

Given the social and political activities of the activist, the court released Mammadov on bail so that he could present evidence of his being not guilty.

Mammadov noted that out of the 8 days of detention, he was subjected to psychological pressure for 4 days. For the first 4 days he was kept in the Gidani detention center. Despite certain problems in this institution, the personal attitude was normal. After 4 days, he was transferred to a closed prison in Rustavi. There he was placed in solitary confinement. At the same time video surveillance was established for him.

According to Mammadov, he was not given cigarettes, matches, or soap, he was limited telephone conversations, was not allowed to inform the lawyer about transfer to another prison, and his appeals to the head of the institution were not accepted. "All this happened after I refused voluntary extradition," the activist said.

Now he is preparing materials about his persecution in Azerbaijan for his social and political activities. According to Mammadov, a criminal case was initiated against him in 2017 in Guba under Art. 178.2.2 (Fraud) CC. This was done to punish him for his human rights activities and his refusal to cooperate with law enforcement agencies.

In 2015-2016 Mammadov represented citizens in courts on the basis of the power of attorney issued. Some of those whose rights he defended later testified that he extorted money from them, which was the reason for the criminal case. In 2017, Mammadov went to Georgia and asked for political asylum, which is under consideration.

However, now he considers his stay in Georgia dangerous and asks UNHCR to speed up the consideration of his appeal and transfer his family to a safe country.

"At the same time, I ask for help from diplomatic missions in Georgia and from human rights organizations," Mammadov said. -06D-

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