Aynur Imranova: "Shall I commit self-immolation?"

The journalist Aynur Imranova said that she is under pressure from the Prosecutor's Office of Azerbaijan, and intends to kill herself. "My bank account is under arrest for more than a year.  Since May of last year I was involved as a witness to the famous criminal case against NGOs. I did not cooperate with someone. From May to September, I was summoned many times to the Investigation Department for Serious Crimes of the Prosecutor General's Office, and was forced to answer the absurd question," says Imranova. According to the journalist, in October last year during her visit to Georgia, she was subjected to body search by Azerbaijani border guards without being presented the court decision. "I was offended as a citizen, my rights were violated. Then, in November, I was forbidden to leave the country. All my trips abroad were canceled, I could not attend any conference," said Imranova. According to her, she was also involved in the investigation as a witness in the case of journalist Khadija Ismayilova.

"In December and January, I was subjected to moral terror. Every day I was summoned to the investigation. For hours I was asked about Khadija’s personal life, and was asked question not relating to the case. I affirm that I know nothing, however, the pressure on me continues. Within two months, I gave written testimony only twice, although I was interrogated for hours, at least 20 times," says Imranova. According to her, it does not just apply to the court in connection with the pressure on it, but in vain.

"This year, after March I was again invited to the investigation. I was asked questions like "how do I earn money." It seems to me that they want my death. All this very seriously affected my health. I suffer from pituitary adenoma, and blood pressure. After the death of my husband in the military, I am treated abroad. If my treatment does not last, the left eye may be blind, I was warned about this by doctors. I cannot continue treatment because of financial difficulties, and restrictions on movement. At the last examination the doctor warned me that the experienced stress puts my life at risk," said Imranova. She repeatedly appealed to the Prosecutor General Zakir Garalov in connection with the situation. The journalist received notification that her letters were delivered to the recipient, but did not receive replies. Imranova also said that she has a small child. “What should I do? Should I commit self-immolation in front of tourists who come to the European Games? I am not saying this to scare someone. I'm tired of violation my rights guaranteed by the Constitution. "I see no other way, but to save myself and my child from moral torture," said Imranova. In turn, official Baku says that in Azerbaijan all citizens have equal rights, and no one is under pressure because of their speech and thoughts. -03D04- 

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