Campaign in Kiev in Support of Giyas Ibrahimov

On November 2 a youth group staged a protest at the embassy of Azerbaijan in Kiev, expressing solidarity with the youth activist Giyas Ibrahimov arrested in Baku. Participants of the action wrote graffiti demanding Giyas’s release on the wall of the park named after Heydar Aliyev near the Azerbaijani Embassy.

"With this action, we call on all people supporting freedom to express their support to Giyas, whom they want to imprison for 10 years. We are well aware of the need to fight against the regime, which is able to take 10 years of your life, which takes away your youth, forcing you to work for peanuts, and takes your freedom, imposing an authoritarian order," the protesters wrote on Facebook page called Black Arrow.

  According to the publication, the action was held by a group of young people who identify themselves as anarchists.

"Support to the repressed anarchists requires international solidarity, so we urge to spread as much information as possible about each person who has been unjustly imprisoned, to conduct at least a small action and update this topic in the public space. Freedom for the imprisoned anarchists!" they said in conclusion, adding a video with those writing the graffiti.

Recall that Giyas Ibrahimov is one of the two activists, who inscribed the monument to Heydar Aliyev in Baku on 10 May. For this he was accused of drug trafficking and sentenced to 10 years in prison. -03D-

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