Expression Online Initiative: Internet in Azerbaijan Partly Free

Internet in Azerbaijan is partially free. Despite the absence of the high incidence of blocking and filtering of sites, there is a criminal prosecution of Internet users for opinions expressed in the network, giving rise to self-censorship. This is stated in the original version of the report: "In Search of Freedom: on-line status of freedom of expression in Azerbaijan," made up of campaign Expression Online Initiative.

The campaign is conducted by the Institute Freedom and Safety (IRFS), Human Rights Club, Media Center with support of IMS (International Media Support), NED (National Endowment for Democracy) and the Soros Foundation, and the International Partnership Group for Azerbaijan.

As reported on October 10 presentation of the study IRFS Director Emin Huseynov, a report is being prepared for the upcoming Nov. 6-9 in Baku Global Forum on Internet Governance. On the eve of the event, November 5, the campaign "Initiative on-line expressions" will hold a conference in Baku with participation of OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media Dunja Mijatovic, the UN Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Opinion and Expression Frank La Rue and other international experts.

The comments and suggestions from civil society organizations and experts made during the debate will be included in the final document that will be presented at the end of October. The report comprehensively studies the problems Internet in Azerbaijan, including the legal framework, technical condition, the state of freedom of expression, etc.

The Director of Media Rights Institute (PMI), Rashid Hajili investigated Internet legal issues. According to him, the special laws regulating Internet content not. These issues are governed by the laws on media, terrorism, cyber crime, and child pornography. Defamation issues are regulated, as in the of-line media, said Hajili. However, there are gaps in the law concerning liability of service, there is no clear mechanism of blocking and filtering of sites. As a result, providers may, by administrative guidance and without a court order to restrict access to websites and other measures to introduce restrictions. Another problem he called normative rules to benchmark communication enterprises (regardless of ownership) specifications of its equipment to the Ministry. Moreover, DHS has the right to place its equipment in a special room in post offices, and listen to and track users out without accounting for it to the management of the company.

One of the authors of the report, Bakhtiyar Hajiyev, focused on low e-government implementation, problems with obtaining a domain "az", etc.

By working on the report were drawn by international experts. According to 

Rebecca Vincent of Article 19, Azerbaijan as a member of international agreements guaranteeing freedom of expression should ensure that freedom and the Internet and the technical possibilities for this exist. However, there are facts about the persecution of citizens for expressing views critical of the Internet. Therefore, the report has recommendations to stop such incidents.

 As head of the Human Rights Club Rasul Jafarov said, the report demanded the release of Taleh Xasmammadov (human right defender),  Nijat Aliyev (editor of the website of religious orientation), Vugar Gonagov and Zaur Guliyev (employees of Khayal TV in Guba) and Faramaz Allahverdiyev (sentenced to 4.5 years on charges of inciting to riot).

The officials would not close the criminal case against the reporter of IRFS Mehman Huseynov and the blogger Elnur Majidli, located in France.

The report also calls on to investigate the breach of privacy of the journalist Khadija Ismayilova.

Summing up the discussion, the regional manager of IMS Gulnara Akhundova said that the report put forward recommendations to ensure freedom and quality of Internet in Azerbaijan. One such step would be the creation of an independent structure to information and communication technologies with the participation of representatives of civil society and experts. -06C-


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