Human Rights Activists are Concerned about the Health of Vidadi Iskenderli


Due to the bad health of convicted human rights activist Vidadi Iskenderli, the South Caucasus Network of Human Rights Defenders appealed to the Prison Service of Azerbaijan.

     According to the human rights activist Sayida Gojamanli, the appeal went to Rafael Mehdiyev,  the  Chief Physician of the Prison Service Central Hospital.

     The doctor said Iskenderli’s health is not as bad as the press writes. Iskenderli suffers from diabetes, but that's no reason to transfer him to hospital, the doctor said. At the same time, he promised that Inskenderli’s health would be seriously monitored. 

     * Vidadi Iskenderli was arrested on April 17, 2011 for participating in the rally of the Public Chamber. During the parliamentary elections in 2010, he sharply criticized the offense during the election campaign and vote.

     Iskenderli is declared a prisoner of conscience by international organizations. -05B04-


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