This action, implemented by the NGO "3 Alma" and OJSC "Baku Metro" and which will last two more days, is timed to the International Children's Day, celebrated annually on June 1 at the initiative of the United Nations around the world. On this day, various creative and entertaining events took place in Baku and other cities of the republic: song contests, exhibitions of photographs and drawings, master classes, performances, concerts, festivals. Such events become a source of happy memories for both the child and the parent.
All children's rights and freedoms are reflected in the Declaration of the Rights of the Child, which was adopted by the UN General Assembly in 1959. This document is a call to recognize the rights of every child and observe them. It must be strictly observed by parents, public organizations and authorities. After 30 years, in 1989, adopted and the Convection on the Rights of the Child, which defines all the rights of young citizens, as well as the duties of adults.
These documents have been ratified in many countries, including Azerbaijan. In our country, the protection of the rights of children is declared a priority of public policy. The country's child population is more than 2,500,000 people. Despite the current legislative framework for children's rights, the situation in this sphere is still far from optimal. There are a lot of problems. There are not enough kindergartens. The coverage of children with preschool education is only 20% of children under the age of six. The scarcity of places in these institutions led to long lines and bribes to put the child in kindergarten.
Modern school education with a large training load, experiments with the increase or reduction of subjects is a serious test for the health of students. Last year, a group of teachers from the Azerbaijan Medical University within the framework of the Sağlam Təhsil project conducted a study whose results were depressing. It turned out that at the end of the school more than 80% of children have problems with the spine, 76.2% of graduates have poor eyesight.
Physicians talk about the growth of children born with pathology. This - a heart disease, autism, infantile cerebral palsy. They need special care and expensive treatment. Parents cannot solve this problem alone. State agencies are limited to the payment of pensions or single assistance.
A separate topic is children with disabilities, of which there are more than 65,000 in the country. In recent years, new medical and social rehabilitation centers have been built in Baku. Over 5,000 children in need of special care were treated in them. This is a drop in the sea, if you consider in the regions of the country, hundreds of families live, where children with health problems who do not receive qualified medical care live.
However, the problem of psychological health is acute. Aggression, vandalism and suicides are common among teenagers. In low-income families there is a question of material security. After all, often in such families, despite all the efforts of caring parents, kids lack basic things, including nutrition and living conditions.
Of course, there are enough problems in relatively well-off families. First of all, this is the lack of attention. Parents are busy with work, earning money, sometimes there is not enough time for children. The kid catastrophically lacks the warmth and affection of loved ones. Adolescents mature early, receive unnecessary, and sometimes dangerous information from the Internet.
Of course, children's problems concern every adult, regardless of social status, age and material security. Therefore, the holiday of children is not only an occasion for the organization of fun activities, but also serious reflection on measures to protect children from negative factors. From poverty, aggression, violence, bad ecology, hunger ...
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