Measures are taken against the modular dermatitis

For the first time for many years in Azerbaijan  has been detected infection called modular dermatitis.    Two months ago, the disease was observed in four regions of the country, today the coverage has expanded to ten districts.

According to State Service of the Ministry of Agriculture, previously the disease was observed in Iraq, Turkey and Iran.

"In Azerbaijan, the clinical signs of modular dermatitis  were fixed in Bilasuvar, Ucar, Jalilabad, Agdash and then in Barda, Samukh and Zardob areas," said Yolchu Khanveli , the spokesman  of the State Service of the Ministry of Agriculture.

According to him, the disease was caused by the activity  of mosquitoes because of the heat, the uncontrolled movement of cattle,  and failure of  sanitary requirements.

"Currently, the Veterinary Service announced

Quarantine; disinfection will be conducted, livestock markets will  be closes, and transport of animals will be banned.  

The Veterinary Surveillance strengthened control in all markets and shops that sell meat," he said.

There is no risk of infection of people with this disease; it affects only cattle. Fever,  affected skin, lymphatic system, mucous membranes, etc.

According to experts, the spread of the disease will lead to a reduction of animal products, including milk and meat, as well as reduce the quality of the leathers.

According to Khanveli, the disease affected 1,600 heads ofcattle. "Currently, 400 head of cattle are being treated. Eleven goals died. They were buried, but had previously been covered with chlorinated lime," said Khanveli. -03B04-

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