![No precipitation is expected on Tuesday](https://turan.az/resized/media/2019/main/111800023153-750-500-resize.webp)
No precipitation is expected on Tuesday
Baku/18.11.19/Turan: No precipitation is expected in Baku and Absheron on November 19and northeast wind will blow. The air temperature during the day will be + 11 + 13 degrees.
No rainfall is expected in the regions of the country, except for the northern region. Snow will fall in the mountains.
The air temperature during the day in the lowlands will warm up to +17 degrees, in the mountains it will be + 2 + 7. -02D-
Weather on Saturday in the capital will be cloudy; wet snow is expected in the morning. Strong north-west wind will blow. At night it will be from +2, during the day +3. Humidity will be 70-75%.
Police investigated the distribution of written prizes for children to participate in online games at Baku's school N210.
A regular bus route Mingechevir-Khojaly-Khankendi-Shusha will be launched from 8 February, the Ministry of Digital Development and Transport said on Friday.
As part of its social project competition “Empowering Lives: Women’s Support Program”, Azercell, in collaboration with one of the contest winners, “Balans” Public Association, has successfully implemented a program in Sheki to foster women’s entrepreneurship and employment opportunities.
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