Baku / 22.02.20 / Turan: The presentation of the Assessment document “On the current state of the Talysh language in the Republic of Azerbaijan and urgent measures in this direction” was held on the occasion of the International Mother Language Day, which was held on Friday at the office of the Azerbaijan National Committee of the Helsinki Civil Assembly (HCA) .
This eight-page study was prepared by the Talysh Public Council of Azerbaijan (OSTA).
Co-Chair of the KCA Arzu Abdullayeva, welcoming the OSTA initiative emphasized, “multilingualism and cultural diversity is the wealth of Azerbaijan”
OSTA co-chair Hilal Mammadov noted that the event was organized together with representatives of the civil society of Azerbaijan in order to discuss the current state of the Talysh language and outline ways for its development.
According to Mammadov, according to the latest UN data, there are 7111 languages in the world; however, one language disappears every two weeks.
According to international studies, if 70 percent of the children of the people do not learn their native language, then this language is threatened with extinction. According to Mammadov, if measures are not taken, then the Talysh language can expect such a fate in the future.
Another OSTA co-chair and the head of the Azer-Talysh Public Association Mehtibek Safarov, in turn, pointed to the use of problems with the use and teaching of the Talysh language in Azerbaijan by hostile forces abroad.
“If, for example, we broadcast television in the Talysh language in Lankaran, then this will deprive the ground for speculation by the enemies of Azerbaijan about the problems of realizing the rights of Talysh,” Safarov said.
OSTA member Ogtay Askerov noted that back in 1992, teaching of the Talysh language (in places where Talysh was densely populated) was introduced in primary grades - from grades 1 to 4. Moreover, textbooks for grades 2–3 were published only by 2006. At the same time, new textbooks have not been published in the last 14 years.
Another problem is that the Talysh language is not necessarily taught. In addition, in a number of schools, the Talysh language is taught by teachers in other subjects.
The chair of the Association of Intellectuals of Azerbaijan Eldaniz Guliyev said that some officials in the southern region prohibit the use of Talysh language even in the names of commercial structures.
OSTA member Kenul Rasuli spoke about measures that should be taken to develop and use the Talysh language. These measures are reflected in the submitted Assessment Document.
In particular, it is noted that the government needs to implement the tasks arising from the Council of Europe Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities, as well as the ratification of the European Charter for Regional and Minority Languages.
It is proposed urgent state measures related to the current status of the Talysh language
We consider the following urgent measures necessary to address the existing problems in the development, study and teaching of the Talysh language.
To put an end to the inaction of the Government of Azerbaijan on the implementation of the norms on the right to use the native language as stipulated in the Framework Agreement on the Protection of National Minorities by the Council of Europe supported by Azerbaijan Government and The Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
To ratify the European Charter on regional and minority languages that Azerbaijan had undertaken an obligation on its ratification within three years while joining the Council of Europe in 2001.
To grant Talysh language official status of "regional language" in area densely inhabited by the Talysh people in south-east region of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
Starting from 2020-2021 academic year, establish a specialized department of Talysh language and literature in a number of universities;
To establish the Talysh language department at the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences;
To set up libraries fully complemented with books in Talysh language in the areas compactly inhabited by the Talysh people as well as in other regions, to provide support for translation of examples of world literature into Talysh language;
j) In order to develop the Talysh language, launch broadcasting television and radio broadcasts in the Talysh language, organize the work of the press agencies in the Talysh language and financially support their activities.
Director of Turan news agency Mehman Aliyev expressed the view that modern information technologies simplify the solution of many of these issues.
In particular, at minimal cost it is possible to create television, online publications in Talysh language.
Teaching in Talysh schools 1-2 hours a week is unlikely to allow you to learn the language. Therefore, in learning a language, online platforms where you can engage in unlimited time can be more effective.
Language studies can also be facilitated by showing films and cartoons translated into Talysh on Internet television.
Many projects can be financed by attracting donor assistance from entrepreneurs. The state should also support programs in this direction, Aliyev continued.
The editor of the Ethnoglobus website, Gulnara Inange, also believes that much can be done through public initiatives and the activity of Talysh communities.
During the discussions, it was also pointed out the fallacy of the stereotype - the identification of efforts to realize the cultural rights of Talysh with separatism.
In the speeches, a refrain sounded the idea that the Talysh, considering Azerbaijan their native state, advocated for its unity and integrity. –06С-
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