Photo TURAN.

Photo TURAN.

Baku/20.07.22/Turan: Police dispersed a protest rally in front of the Cabinet of Ministers building in Baku on Wednesday demanding the opening of the country's land borders.

The rally was scheduled for 12:00 pm, but from 11:30 am the access to the building was blocked by reinforced police units. At the same time, police officers started pushing people arriving for the rally from the adjacent streets.

Indignant protesters expressed their discontent in interviews with journalists.  Police officers immediately detained them, putting them into fitted buses. Among those detained were women, including the elderly, and war veterans.

The first to be detained were Tofik Yagublu (an activist of Musavat and the National Council of Democratic Forces, as well as Seymur Hazi, a deputy chairman of the PPFA).

A crowd of 40-50 people pushed away from the Cabinet building continued the action, shouting slogans and calls to open the border. At the same time, they chanted the slogan, "Resign!"

The detentions continued until the police detained most of the participants. According to preliminary estimates, that's about 25 people.

The Interior Ministry press service told the Turan news agency that there were no detainees. "A warning was issued in advance due to the coordinated action. There were no detainees, the protesters were simply removed from the area," the Interior Ministry said.

Recall that since July 1 this year, the authorities of the country closed land borders to Turkey and Iran.

Prior to that (from March 2020) land borders with Russia and Georgia have been closed. This has created serious problems for most citizens who cannot afford to travel abroad by purchasing very expensive air tickets. -06D-

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