The appeal of the son of human rights activist

On 18 February the Baku Court of Appeal chaired by Vugar Mamedov held a preparatory meeting in the case of Ali Gyulalyev, the son of a member of the National Council Oktay  Gyulalyev.

The complaint was filed against the decision of Khatai Court sentenced in October 2014  a minor A.Gyulalyev to six months of corrective labor with 15% of salary in favor of the state, finding him guilty under article 220.1 (hooliganism) of the Criminal Code. O.Gyulalyev, as the legal representative of the minor son, petitioned to hold a new fair trial.

He recalled that in the Court of First Instance minor witnesses gave testimony different from the testimonies at the preliminary investigation, where they were interrogated without their parents. At trial, they said that the police put pressure on them. After the meeting the court decided to take the complaint to recognizing opportunities to participate in the trial of the victim. Consideration of the complaint is scheduled for March 2.

* Ali Gyulalyev is charged with participation in a fight  on  20 September, 2013 in the school N165 in the village of NZS, where he studied. A.Gyulalyev himself was beaten and injured by unknown three days later, but the case has not been investigated. The attack on A.Gyulalyev happened while his father was a press secretary, presidential candidates from the opposition Jamil Hasanli. -05D-

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