Armenian political boat is shaking; people demand to overthrow Pashinyan

Defeats in the war inevitably cause the weakening and destruction of the current political power in the country. Azerbaijanis are well aware of this from the bitter history of their fatherland during the early nineties of the XX century. It was the turn of Armenia. Having left about a third of the territory in occupied Karabakh in 20 days of fighting, Armenia is on the verge of severe political upheavals.

In Yerevan, opponents of Prime Minister N. Pashinyan from the camp of former presidents who came from Karabakh have become active. Robert Kocharian served time in prison, and a verdict was passed against Serzh Sargsyan forbidding him to leave the borders of Armenia. It is known that Kocharian provides arms supplies from various countries. Sargsyan's party is using the failure of Karabakh's defense to regain the confidence of future voters. The press secretary of the Republican Party (leader - S. Sargsyan) Eduard Sharmazanov said, "The current situation is a consequence of Nikol Pashinyan's short-sightedness."

The founder and head of the Anaket analytical center (“fulcrum”) Tigran Abrahamyan, seeing the rocking state ship of Armenia, called: “Taking into account the fact that certain internal political tensions have been observed since yesterday, I want to remind that the front is here. Now is not the time to look for internal enemies, to tear each other apart. "

Pashinyan banned the publication of articles in the Armenian press that cast doubt on the correctness of the state and the army's ability to fight against Azerbaijan. However, social networks in Armenia are open. The Armenians read the post of the Baku Armenian Artur Shagidanyan, who calls for giving Karabakh to its rightful owner - Azerbaijan, to end the war in which Armenia is losing by the number of soldiers, equipment, and diplomacy.

“Armenia is not ready for war, it has nothing. A piece of Karabakh land is not worth such losses,” Arthur thinks and offers to resettle Armenians from NK to empty Yerevan skyscrapers. Learn from the Georgians, from Saakashvili to live peacefully and build their country. Stop remembering your antiquity. “For me, the fate of my people means more than Karabakh,” Shahidanyan said.

A Ukrainian forum worker under the nickname Serafina told the author of the article what he saw on October 14, in Kiev: “Yesterday in the yard of my apartment building I saw an Armenian (renting a house). He cursed Pashinyan very much, said that he was a street degenerate, and ruined the weak Armenian economy and politics. She says, "Although I am an Armenian myself, it would be better for Armenia to urgently resolve the issue peacefully - to give the territory back to the owner, this will save the lives of the guys." He also said that young Armenian girls have lost their boys and husbands, now they will be married off to Iranians, and among the Iranians, there are about 30 million Azerbaijanis. She is worried that their daughters will not be "assimilated" by Armenians. His mood was decadent.

I believe that Armenia is wrong, it is better to return foreign lands, to do a man's act. This will save both the people and Armenia. Karabakh is Azerbaijan. We have an unambiguous attitude here in Ukraine, and we know what is what. We wish Azerbaijan a speedy victory.

Pashinyan, I think, will be overthrown and hanged. He is a complete fool, so irresponsible to treat your own people, and send young children to slaughter. In fact, the entire last and penultimate wave of mobilization was killed, most of them born in 2000-2001. Because of Pashinyan, Azerbaijani soldiers also die, it is a pity, but they are motivated, because fighting for their homeland. The Armenians better hang up the white flag and withdraw their troops and weapons. Then peace will come, and over the years the peoples will agree and get along,” a resident of Kiev shared his thoughts in a letter.

Pashinyan is the puppet who was brought to power precisely under the military scenario of the development of events. Perhaps Pashinyan even knew this from the very beginning. Then he is a true traitor to his people, a liberal Western lackey. This is confirmed by the complete silence of Soros and his whore Bernard Henri Levy - the Armenian reader agrees with him. He believes that Pashinyan made a huge mistake by giving the command to repress the Karabakh clan and bomb Ganja.

Ardent Armenian nationalist Amiram Grigorov in his Live Journal calls for the overthrow of Pashinyan: “There are peoples who cannot make a single mistake, because every mistake is irreversible. These are small nations. For example, the Dashnak government of Armenia made several idiotic decisions in a row - it ended with the dismemberment of Armenia, and the inclusion of a small fragment in the USSR, with Kars ceded to Ataturk, Karabakh - to the Azerbaijan SSR. For a long time neither Ataturk, nor the USSR, and the consequences of those adventures remained, because they are irreversible - Armenia with nothing.

When in a country that is warring, a degenerate populist leader is elected, glorious only for moronic cheap speeches, fabulously idiotic demonstrations with suicidal slogans are organized - regardless of whether they were thrown or not thrown - this says, sorry, about the quality of human material ...

The leader of a country, which has just been shown that  they are  going to  fight it,  persistently and  stupidly demands to remove his representative from the post of head of the military alliance (CSTO), in which the country is a member (due to personal vendetta). It means only of one thing - the leader is a degenerate, and a part of the population, and a considerable one, are degenerates.

When a warring country seriously states that the best way of development is tourism, although it is clear that tourists run away after shots at the border, this also indicates a high number of degenerates among citizens. When in a country that does not have money to purchase weapons, despite the fact that an aggressive neighbor acquires, some "environmentalists" cut down all the projects from which one can make money - in particular, the development of promising deposits - this suggests that they preserve Armenia, clean as a hospital sheet, for the Turks.

When the leader of a country that has a real connection with the world only through Iran, instead of avoiding doubt  by the ayatollahs  about their loyalty, suddenly arranges an embassy in Israel (knowing that Israel is arming Azerbaijan, and that there is a cold war between  Iran and Israel)  this leader is not good.

When the leader of the country, which is protected by the Russian army, dares to be rude to Russia and almost declare, in the spirit of Dovlatov's hero - "otherwise I will go the other way" - this leader is not suitable.

Now, if Karabakh is lost because of this ridiculous idiot, it will be lost forever. There will be no Putin, there will be no Erdogan, of course, and there will be no Pashinyan - and no one will return Karabakh. Never,” writes Amiran Grigorov. His post is being replicated on Armenian social networks.

“Now we need a balanced person who will show constructiveness, enter into dialogue with various strata of society, be reliable and restrained in his words. One way or another, Pashinyan will leave ahead of schedule, and the sooner, the better for all of us, especially for his political team,” political scientist Stepan Danielyan wrote on September 27. — 0—


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