In memory of Isakhan


We were not friends, but I always treated him with great respect and as a senior, although the age difference between us was only one year.

It was not easy and a little inaccessible to figure out his view from his conversation - to realize what he really thinks or wants to do. Eventually, I realized that these shrewd and piercing eyes were a manifestation of his profession - police, detectives and an analyst.

Perhaps, among our police there is not a second such character - intelligent, well read, professional fighter in the literal and figurative sense of the word, full of dignity.

With him it was possible to discuss philosophy, ethics, Shakespeare, and God knows what else. Sometimes it seemed that he was fooled by the interlocutor, as the topic of conversation did not jibe with his profession, especially, when he started to make jokes and tell jokes.

I first met him in 1989, when the situation on the border exacerbated and sporadic gunfire took place. 

"You should to Tovuz and find Isakhan, he will help arrange everything and send you back," my friends persuaded me.

We walked around the town in search of Isakhan Ashurov, who was then a major and chief of the local Criminal Investigation Department and, in fact, assumed the function of one of the volunteers who formed self-defense units. So, his name was pronounced with respect and random people spoke about the role of Isakhan in the life of this town.

When I finally saw him, I realized why this man caused such a deep respect. We walked towards the tall and handsome guy with large facial features - volitional expression and attentive eyes, without showing off. And I was surprised at the taste, with which he was dressed neatly - not a policeman in the province. In the future, these qualities were already perceived as an integral part of his nature, without which Isakhan could not do.

And my friend was right in saying that Isakhan will not only receive me, but also send me back. When time came to return, there proved to be no tickets in the railway ticket office. On hearing this, Isakhan without reminders, in a calm and businesslike way, went to the ticket office at the station and returned with a ticket. I am still ashamed that I did not give him 15 rubles for the ticket.

The active life position of Isakhan brought him to the forefront not only in war, but also in political life. In the early 1990s he led the police in Gazakh, becoming a colonel, and with the advent of the Popular Front he was invited to lead the police in Baku or to become Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs.

"I was ready for both, but I suggested certain measures to the authorities, which should have been taken. The refusal of the authorities of my proposals was one of the causes of the events in June 1993," Isakhan told me many years later.

"They did not understand that operational activities and information require quick and adequate response; the operation must be carried out professionally and decisively, as it's not a rally," he was indignant, referring to the warning, which he sent to Baku for the forthcoming events in Gyanja.

Soon he himself had to take action against the rebels, and today few people remember that it was Isakhan, who slapped the chief of staff of Suret Huseynov and did not let his troops into Gazakh. And the whole western area remained outside the control of Suret Huseynov's people, even when they already controlled Baku!

Two colonels - Isakhan Ashurov and Isa Sadikhov - were the people who did not allow the rebels to seize power in the vast region. And was he awarded or promoted for this? No, he was accused of abuse of power and imprisoned.

Later, Isakhan told me that the most painful for him was the sense of ineffectiveness. "Sitting in jail, I learned how the Armenians moved on our territories, capturing a town after another, and I was sitting in jail and could not do anything."

After prison Isakhan changed somehow, becoming coarsened and silent. I think it was a logical step, but with the departure from the police and the arrival at the Bar, he changed and became the same man again. The loud laughter of his baritone and a close look at a beautiful woman said that Isakhan returned to his normal state.

Many of our human rights defenders and journalists used his services for defense in the courts, and used his contacts in the solution of some sensitive issues and to achieve gentlemen's agreements.

I had to communicate with him in some extreme situations, such as the events of 15-16 October 2003. He gave the legal disposition of the events, pointing out the violations of law by the authorities, and the errors made by the opposition.

I remember how he resented at the behavior of the editor of an opposition newspaper, which called for rallies and anti-government actions, and later denied his own words. "I showed him a newspaper article, asking: "Who wrote this? Now how do you say the opposite?" He was indignant.

I think it was after 2003 that Isakhan turned away from politics, disappointed a second time.

At that time, many of the activists were put under surveillance and Isakhan once told me that his former colleagues at the police warned him about it. "Power is power and politics is politics, but professional relationships are above all this. I was warned that I was under control and was asked to be careful." I sincerely feared for his safety, and offered to give him a lift in my car. At first he thought it unnecessary, saying that he was in no danger, but then agreed. I think not all the police liked and respected him - like the colonel, at whom Isakhan threw a chair for the fact that he lined up the personnel and abused the subordinates.

He later told me about the investigation into the high-profile case of the State Oil Academy students' shooting. To my astonishment, when I asked him how he knew about it, Isakhan calmly replied: "I consulted my colleagues, but their level makes it impossible for them to investigate the matter. They do not have the required potential, so they consulted with me, and not because they desired it."

A couple of times he also asked me for advice, when he defended journalists in the courts. I am glad that my opinions and knowledge meant something for him, and we took some important decisions.

Last time I met Isakhan about a month ago near the metro station Sahil. I was unpleasantly surprised at his thinness. I had heard about his illness and successful treatment.

On that day, joking as usual, Isakhan promised to call and have a chat. "I will soon have the final treatment. All goes well. As soon as I return, I will surely come to see you.

Yes, I was happy to read your article about the religious situation. I liked it. You see I carefully watch the press," he said.

"Well, what disease could he ever have? Are Isakhan and disease compatible?" I thought.

The tall, slender man in a black cap firmly shook my hand, turned and went down into the subway...

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