MIA Commits Crime

On July 19 the trial on the trumped-up so-called Nardaran Case started.

The essence of the Interior Ministry's special operation carried out in November last year that ended in the death of six people, including two policemen, was exposed at the first court hearing.

The leader of the movement Muslim Unity Taleh Baghirzadeh reported that investigators caused him to give testimony that the Nardaran events were organized by the National Council and personally Jamil Hasanli and Ali Kerimli. To get this testimony, Baghirzadeh was tortured.

In court, Taleh said: "In the Gang Fight Department I was subjected to incredible torture for three days. It's one thing when you are beaten and passed an electric current through - it is a usual stuff. But this one was a terrible torture. I was required to show that the events in Nardaran were arranged by the National Council, Ali Kerimli and Jamil Hasanli."

Of course, Taleh deserves respect for his restraint, exposing the crimes of the regime. He is a really honest believer.

In fact, his testimony clarified the dark side of the Nardaran events.

It became clear that the objectives of the MIA operation in Nardaran were dirty.

Why was the provocation organized by the Ministry of Internal Affairs called a coup attempt and the fight against terror? In fact, the goal was not only to arrest Taleh Baghirzadeh and his supporters, but also to conduct large-scale repression. The beginning of this would be the "proof" of the involvement of the National Council in the Nardaran events.

The murder of six people, including two police officers, during the operation was intended to aggravate the accusations against Ali Kerimli and me and to introduce us as the organizers of this bloodshed.

As you can see, the investigating authorities of MIA directly committed a crime. Under severe torture, they made people testify against Ali Kerimli and me. This alone proves the commission of a crime by law enforcement agencies, which the court did not notice.


Jamil Hasanli,

Chairman of the National Council of Democratic Forces

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