Why is not the "Terter  caser" disclosed?

Baku/23.11.21/Turan: Elmar Allahverdiyev, the commander of the intelligence department of one of the military units of the 1st corps of the Azerbaijan Army, is one of the soldiers who were severely tortured in connection with the sensational "Terter case". Elmar Allahverdiyev was awarded a gold watch by Supreme Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev for his courage in the April 2016 battles in military unit N, located in the Terter region, together with the intelligence department he commanded. However, a year later, in May 2017, he was arrested in connection with the "Terter case" and was subjected to the most severe torture during the investigation. After that, Elmar Allahverdiyev was demobilized. Nevertheless, he took part in the Second Karabakh War as a volunteer.

The "Terter case" was fabricated by the high command of the Armed Forces and the prosecutor's office. Its essence lies in the fact that in accordance with the task set by the commander-in-chief in April 2016, the army was supposed to liberate part of the occupied territory in the north of Karabakh. The special forces completed the task. However, by order of the high command, army reinforcements did not arrive at the commandos to take positions. As a result, about a hundred special-pupose forces were killed under enemy fire. What motives are behind the betrayal of the army command has not yet been reported. To conceal their own betrayal, the command of the Armed Forces fabricated the so-called "Terter case". Hundreds of soldiers were tortured and forced to incriminate themselves, admitting under torture that they worked for Armenian intelligence. 11 people died under torture. Thus, the real traitors in the Armed Forces tried to cover up the traces of their crime. The crime was opened by the State Security Service and the details were reported to the president. For unclear reasons, those responsible for treason and sabotage still remain in office, despite months of public exposure by victims of violence and terror.

Captain Elmar Allahverdiyev spoke in the "Difficult Question" program about the cruel tortures during the investigation and about his experiences during the Second Karabakh war. He described what happened in Terter as genocide.

According to Allahverdiyev, after the fighting in April 2016, Defense Minister Zakir Hasanov reported to the commander-in-chief, President Ilham Aliyev, that the villages of Seisulan and Talish were liberated from occupation. However, in reality, as a result of betrayal, these villages were not liberated and remained in the hands of the enemy.

“The events of May 2017 (“ terrorist events ”) were primarily associated with the provision of false information to the president - allegedly a structure was discovered that committed massive betrayal, as a result of which the enemy, having made a counterattack, regained control of the allegedly liberated Seisulan villages and Talysh," Allahverdiyev emphasized.

He noted that the intelligence department of the N military unit of the Terter region, which he commanded, had successfully completed about 60 combat missions and the Minister of Defense had repeatedly awarded the military personnel of the unit.

“The enemy knew both me and the personnel of my squad. The list was prepared in advance (the list of the May - "Terter" events). Those who distinguished themselves, especially in the April battles, were slandered, accused of treason, tortured, accused of treachery that was committed in Seisulan and Talysh, ”he said.

Allahverdiyev explained that before the battles for Seisulan and Talysh, as expected, a plan was developed, on the basis of which exercises were conducted. According to the plan, immediately before the battle, the passages were to be cleared, along which his squad was supposed to approach the enemy's positions, attack and knock him out of these positions. Following this, motorized riflemen had to arrive in time and gain a foothold on the taken lines.

However, during the battle it turned out that the passages were not cleared of mines. “This is where the betrayal began. The traitors are, first of all, the corps commander Hikmet Hasanov. He knew perfectly well that the passages were not cleared of mines. He sent non-fired soldiers into battle, and after taking the enemy's fortifications, he did not send reinforcements to hold them. There were 19 of us, armed only with small arms and naturally, we could not resist armored vehicles and hold these positions. And then, the task of the scouts is not to hold and defend positions.

As a result of these actions of the command in Talysh, we lost about 100 special forces in killed,” said the intelligence officer.

According to Allahverdiyev, in the direction of Seisulan, his department was without support. But he and his squad were still lucky. The depth of penetration into enemy territory was 400 m here, and not 7-8 km as in Talysh. Therefore, he managed to withdraw the personnel from the sniper fire.

“But the motorized riflemen who were supposed to take positions taken from the battle and their command fled. They came under mortar fire and were also mowed down by snipers ...”,  said the captain.

After that, the military says, he was ordered to give false information to the check and commander-in-chief who had arrived from Baku. This decision was made by Zakir Hasanov, Chief of the General Staff Nejmeddin Sadigov and the commander of the 1st corps, Hikmet Hasanov. But he didn't do it. For which he became a defendant in the "Terter case". - 0 –










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