70% of health spending accounted for the population

The new issue of the quarterly newsletter of NGO "National Budget Group."

The analytical material by the candidate of economic sciences Azer Mehdiyev with reference to the British medical journal "The Lancet" provides data on health care in the countries of the CIS.

The highest death rate in Azerbaijan is from cardiovascular disease, heart attacks, from infections, as well as the residual government's attitude towards the problems of motherhood. Health expenditure per capita in the country is 5.9% of GDP and 4.7% of this is spent by the citizens themselves. We all face the fact that at the time of surgery in public hospitals are no free anything until dressings, not to mention expensive medications, intravenous injection of cancer (on which is written "is issued free") cost by more than 100 manats.

Every Azerbaijani has 69.6% of actual medical expenses, while the index for the Georgians is 68.3%, and for the Tajiks it is 66.5%. Least of all is spent on the solution of health problems the citizens of Belarus (19.9%), Russia (31.4%) and Kyrgyzstan (37.8%). For comparison - the average cost of private treatment in the EU - 16.6%.

The share of health of Azerbaijan in the structure of fiscal expenditure, despite a five-fold increase in gross (in 2005, 115.3 million, in 2013 - 567.8 million) over the past 8 years is unchanged at 3.3% or 1.1% of GDP. - 17D-







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