Eliminated Regulations to Control Protection of Investors" Rights

The decision of the State Committee for Securities (http://huquqiaktlar.gov.az/StatementDetails.aspx?statementId=32034) eliminated the "Rules to eliminate violations of the law on the securities market and monitoring of the Investor Protection "operating since November 2000.

The decision was taken on December 19 and came into force on 30 December.

As a rule, in the implementation of measures to restore the rights of investors SCS was guided by this document. From now on, the agency in the exercise of its powers for the protection of investors' rights must be guided by the Law "On regulation of inspections in entrepreneurship and protect the interests of entrepreneurs" (entered into force on 29 August 2013), as well as the Law "On Protection of the rights of investors in the market securities "(26 October 2000).

In January-November 2014 SCS penalized 353 businesses for violations of the rights of investors, the total size of which amounted to 432.5 thousand manat, which is 2.7 times more than in the same period in 2013 .-- 08B -

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