Mortgage Loans Continue to Decrease

In the first half of the year the volume of mortgage loans from the Azerbaijan Mortgage Fund (AMF) decreased. According to the information of the Central Bank of AR (CBA), by 1 July it was 56.5 million AZN (minus 4.2 million or 6.9% over the same period last year).

According to the CBA, the AMF in January-June refinanced loans worth 37.8 million manat (minus 33.2%).

In the first half of the year the AMF received 23.9 million manats from the state budget to finance social mortgage.

In March 2006 the AMF began to issue mortgage loans. Its agents in the issuance of mortgage loans on commercial terms are 30 banks. In commercial terms, mortgage loans issued by Fund are raised from the issue of the Fund's own bonds. --17D-

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