Officially, 910 tons of fish caught

In 2012, based on the provided quota there was taken from companies and individuals 910 tons of fish with a total quota of 1,748 tons. Compared with the previous year, the catch was reduced by 14.3%.

According to the Department of conservation and reproduction of biological resources in the basins of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources, in 2012, there was officially caught sardines - 372 tons, herring - 126 tons, mullet - 125 tons, bream - 64 tons, kutum (a local species of sea carp) - 90 tons, and other types of fish.

For giving quota fishermen were paid 17.9 thousand manats.

It is noteworthy that while in 2011, 141 entities were engaged in fishing business, in 2012 this figure fell to 102.

According to the committee, the unofficial catch that is poaching fish in 2011 amounted to 45.5 thousand tons. These figures are based on studies of household consumption and may not reflect the real picture of the consumption of fish in the country.

According to the same source, in Azerbaijan in 2011, the consumption of fish and fish products (including canned) of 6.9 kg per capita, which is 0.2% more than in 2010. This means that in Azerbaijan the consumption of fish just under broiler production, but experts believe that this chicken is much more popular. - 08B-


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