Over 6,400 Taxpayers Written Off Tax Registration

During the first 11 months of this year Azerbaijan registered 72,984 taxpayers (including electronically 30 000), which is 8.9% more than in the same period of 2013.

According to the Ministry of taxes, as of December 1 of this year, the number of registered taxpayers reached 604,381, which is 12.3% more than in the same period of 2013.

Note that at the beginning of this year, the number of subjects of direct taxation was 537 828. Thus, the arithmetic calculations determine termination of the activities of 6,431 business entities.

The Ministry of Taxes, unlike many of the fiscal authorities of the world, does not disclose statistics about the detailed structure of the taxpayers: the number of the organizational and legal form (LLC, JSC, cooperative and so on), ownership (public, private, foreign capital), regional location, and so on.

In the electronic database of the Ministry of Taxes taxpayers can only search for the exact name or identification number (TIN), whereas in many countries, for example, in Georgia, Russia, Turkey, one can get information about commercial legal entities from the names of their legal representatives, founders, etc.

In June 2012, Azerbaijan passed laws prohibiting the disclosure of information about the founders of companies and their equity participation. These data have been elevated to the level of trade secrets. --08D-


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