Rules for the use of water are approved

 The Cabinet approved on July 17, "water rights" to regulate the relationship between water utilities and consumers.

In  accordance with the law  of Azerbaijan Republic  the rules   "On Water and Wastewater", water supply and runoff are based on the contract of sale signed between the consumer and the service provider. Contract owners of apartments in apartment buildings  are after bringing the  compliance with the technical conditions of the internal system supply.

   Supplier is not responsible for the change  of water quality  after it is  received from the main line to the distribution network. Drinking water can be used for technical purposes (watering green spaces, cooling equipment, washing vehicles, manufacture of concrete mix) only after receiving permission  of the Enterprise "Water Canal."

Water features used  by the group n "not population", are  to be inspected at least once six  months. Bills for services are available to customers on a monthly basis. Moreover, if after a month of receiving the notice period, the bill is not paid, the water supply may be suspended. The water supply is suspended  in case of illegal connection to the network. In this case, the consumer is obliged to pay a fine for damages. Penalty rate is set to match cabinet decisions. The consumer has the right not to sign the act of illegal connection and write  own considerations.

Water metering devices that have gone bad through no fault of the consumer, shall be replaced or repaired without paying its cost. The water supplier should be informed about the water meter malfunction within one day. Work to repair or replace the device cannot take more than 15 working days.

According to the rules, in case of loss or damage to the smart card new means of payment  are issued to the consumer for a fee.

Rules are defined as special conditions regulate the relationship between consumers and service providers.

  For  April 1 of this year, "Azersu", state natural monopoly on water supply and sewerage services, serves 1 million 193.2 thousand subscribers of the "population group", of which only about 638 thousand or 53.5 % are equipped with water meters. Only 65.6% of apartments in Baku  have been provided  with water measuring examples. According to the consumer group "not population" (42 265)  the level of providing water meter  is 83.6%. - 08D-

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