Again unrest in  Iran

Baku / 02.08.18 / Turan: Protest actions in the Iranian cities of Mashhad, Shiraz and Isfahan demanded improvement of economic conditions. Local media reported that about a hundred people took part in the protests in Mashhad.

Participants of the action called on the authorities to prevent the growth of food prices and stop the depreciation of the national currency. The action was dispersed by the police.

In social networks there were footage from protest actions in the cities of Isfahan, Shiraz and Kerch; hundreds of Iranians condemn the economic policies of the authorities. Participants of the actions shout out slogans against the current regime and burn tires.

In December of last year, protests occurred in Mashhad, which soon spread to other cities of Iran, killing 25 people. It should be noted that after the resumption of sanctions against Iran, the rate of the national currency fell sharply, Western campaigns began to leave Iran, and the purchase of oil from Iran decreased, all this caused serious economic problems in the country. -02D-

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