Ilham Aliyev: TANAP will be launched in 2018

Baku/05.04.14/Turan : Trans-Anatolian gas pipeline (TANAP) can be put into effect as early as 2018, said  President Ilham Aliyev at a press conference after talks with Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

Erdogan said that the  projects Baku -Tbilisi-Ceyhan, Baku-Tbilisi -Erzurum gas pipeline, and the Baku -Tbilisi-Kars indicate brotherhood and solidarity between Azerbaijan and Turkey .

According to him, during the talks, the sides discussed the development of relations in the spheres of politics, economy, culture, military and commercial areas.

The Ministers of both states discussed  in details the development of relations in the economic and military cooperation , the Turkish prime minister said. " Recently, high-level visits between Turkey and Azerbaijan  have strengthened, and they will continue," said Erdogan.

Responding  the  question when  the foundation of TANAP  will be laid, Erdogan said that Turkey is now purchasing lands   through which the pipeline will go. In his view, the foundation laying ceremony can take place before the end of this year.

In turn, Aliyev stressed that TANAP is a joint project of Azerbaijan and Turkey.

"Everything is on schedule. I believe that in 2018, together with my dear brother, we will hold the opening ceremony of the project," said Aliyev. Erdogan again confirmed Turkey's position in the Karabakh issue, saying that it will support  Azerbaijan.

Asking the question if Erdogan discussed  in Baku the question on the activity of Nurchular  in Azerbaijan, he  said that after every election he makes his  first visit to Azerbaijan.

"Naturally, in the course of these visits we discuss each issue, including the questions of concern,"  said Erdogan.  Ilham Aliyev left unanswered the  question to  comment reports of dismissal of persons associated with Nurchular. He said that the meetings between the two leaders are  regular, and  they  discuss a  wide range of issues.

"As allies, friends, brothers , we discuss a wide range of  issues. The main thing is that we are unanimous in all areas. We do not accept any question  which can cause  us a bit harm," said Aliyev.

According to him, the Azerbaijani-Turkish unity must continue for the sake of the future of the two peoples. Erdogan was accompanied during the visit by the  Ministers of Energy and Defense.  The working visit of Erdogan  is over.—06D--

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