Ongoing conflicts in Karabakh

The current commander of the  Armenian forces in Karabakh

 Levon Mnatsakanyan accused his predecessor Samvel Babayan of sabotage against Nagorno Karabakh.  Distance and a sharp controversy  has been lasting for several days between them.

Earlier, Samvel Babayan said that during the fighting in April the Armenian commander lost territory due to mistakes.

"For half an hour or an hour all positions were surrendered. After that we tried to regain control, taking the attack that led to the losses," Babayan told reporters. Levon Mnatsakanyan does not negate the loss of territories, but Babayan recalls that in January-February 1994, 21 kilometers territories in the south of Karabakh have been lost under the command of Babayan..

Mnatsakanyan called "sabotage against Karabakh Babayan’s statement that on the front lines are not created defenses and that the Karabakh leadership should resign.

"I think such calls are dangerous, not befitting a person who was in such a position in the past. I believe these actions  is  provocation against our society and its defense capability," Mnatsakanyan said.

The leader of the separatists Bako Sahakyan  also  criticized Babayan’s statement, who  expressed his indignation at such irresponsible actions.

Meanwhile, observers in Armenia and Karabakh believe that Babayan is deliberately aggravate the situation, hoping to return to the post of commander of the group, with the support of local military. All this makes possible a military coup or arrest  of Babayan. -02D-

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