Referendum Put Press Secretary of Department of State in Difficult Position

The constitutional referendum was held in Azerbaijan "without incident." The US State Department spokesman Mark Toner commented on the results of voting on amendments to the Azerbaijani Constitution this way, answering journalists' questions.

"The Venice Commission noted that the process before the referendum could be useful to the general public debate.

We urge the government to investigate allegations of violations," said Toner.

The US is committed to the construction of "a stronger democracy" in Azerbaijan and Washington encourages "transparency and dialogue within the country."

To the question: "Is it good when a family runs a country for so long, and the son of the ruler can rule even longer?" Toner said: "Our focus is on improving the institutions, the improvement of the democratic process by working with the people and Government of Azerbaijan.

But we cannot dictate the results of the democratic process. We can only note that there are violations, and they should be investigated and deficiencies identified and corrected. "

"Is this a democratic process that a life presidency can appear in the country? Is this democracy?"

In response, Toner said: "Azerbaijan is not unique in terms of the presence of heads of state ruling for a long time."

"I did not ask about its uniqueness ..." the journalist threw a replica.

Toner said: "Let me finish the thought. Our main goal is to improve the process and democratic institutions within the framework of existing structures. We cannot dictate presidential terms.”    -06D--

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