Məhəmməd Əmin Rəsulzadə

Məhəmməd Əmin Rəsulzadə


-Telman-bey, in your view what is the concept of the republicanism?

Telman Nüsrətoğlu - As a matter of fact, the republicanism is a concept that provides the formation of the philosophy of the republicanism in the Azerbaijani society. In the broad sense of the word, the republicanism conveys an unconditional love for motherland and nation to reflect people"s will and attitude toward the authoritries. National values and democratic principles are echoed in the concept of the republicanism. Note that today the republicanism encompasses means of people"s self-expression and will that mirrors its existyence and struggle.

- The Republic has merked 100 years since its establisdhment. Two Republics appearted in the country within a single century. To your thinking, can values of the first Republic become firmly established in the period of the second Republic? Can traditions of the republicanism be continued in our days?

- Yes, they can be continued in priority areas, in particular, foreign policy, building and development of the Azerbaijani statehood, preservation of its geography. It is arguable that values and policy aimed at preserving the independence are realized on a limited basis. In other words, the system of democratic rule and paliamentarism built in Azerbaijan due to huge efforts, as well as the control over the government actions and popular masses" involvement in the state governance are indicative that we are far behind the traditional system of the republicanism. An analysis into geopolitical conditions of the past epoch goes to show that the first Rerepublic was forced to build fundamentals of the statepower under extreme conditions of external interference and pressures. As a matter of fact, power structures were created from scratch, here I mean issues arising from army, enterprises, culture building, etc. The People"s Republic as founded by our predecessors in 1918 proved to be the first attempt of the building of a never-before-seen state structure in the region - Republic. Following the gaining of independence we had an opportunity for further development of out statehood and transformation of Azerbaijan into educational and cultural centre of the entire Transcaucasia to attract Caucasian and Russian Moslems. With that end in view, founding fathers of the Republic held a congress of the Union of Russian Moslems attended by Bashkirs, Tatars, representatives of other peoples of Russia. Alimardan-bey Topchibashev was elected a chairman of the Union. In consideration of Ali-bey Huseyn-zadeh, Ahmad-bey Agaogly"s contribution into the development of republicanism concept in the region, it is safe to say that the point is about Republic"s fathers who disposed of thoroughly developed ideology and progressive vision of the world. Should we continue their views in our days,Azerbaijan would, beyond any doubts, become a focus of the cultutal-political life of the Transacaucasia. The above-mentioned political figures left behind them an ideological heritage of relevance and profundity we are unable to comprehend, nor continue.

- Why are we unable to follow this legacy? Perhaps, manners change with the times. Maybe, the political environment of the time in question differed from our environment. Or conditions varied, political processes in the region differed from today"s trends; the time proper dictated its own conditions while nowadays changes have occurred to put forward other demands. What"s your opinion on the matter?

- I have a different view. First, the end of the 19 century marked the enhancement of the oil factor in the world political processes. Second, the First World War brought with it the struggle for world"s redivision and expansion of oil geography. The Ottoman Empire as the centre of the Islamic world became a primary target of world powers; the struggle broke out for destruction and repartition and as a consequence, the seizure of the Balkan countries, Transcaucasia and the Central Asia. In terms of complex geopolitical processes, the struggle for influence areas broke out together with heroic struggle of Azerbaijan against intrigues of imperialist powers. It is not about our Republic only but the destiny of the Ottoman power either; it is about the destiny of the Ottoman power as a whole; about prospects of unity and progress. The question is that Azerbaijan was in a bind of the Bolshevist-Armenian pressures where not only Baku but other towns of the country had been occupied by aggressors who harbored plans to create the second Christian state and with that end slaughtered above 10,000 Moslems on March 31. It was this tragic period that marked the establishment of the Azerbaijani Democratic Republic. Turkey rendered aiid to our country by dispatching the Caucasian Islamic army that made huge efforts and managed to save Azerbaijan from annihilation. Should the Caucasian army fail to arrive on time and save the country from occupation, the very existence of the nation would be in doubt. A closer look at the political situation of the reviewed period shows that this aid had played a crucial role in the country"s destiny. The extreme political situation went along with the development of Azerbaijan and formation of the republicanism in the country. The Republic attempted to create a national army to give a fitting rebuff to the enemies in the Armenian front of combat operations. Pursuing a balansed political line at the international arena, Azerbaijan is gaining today huge amounts of money from oil sales. As compared with the past epoch, an extent of external interference is much lower. Note that the political situation earlier last century was much worse. True, today"s situation is hard as well. It is known publicly about true intentions of our northern neighbor, as well as Iran"s attitude toward our country. Great powers are pondering their evil schemes about the Azerbaijani oil, other riches of the country, its geography, etc. However, even depite country"s current problems I believe that the building of independent state and the formation of the Azerbaijani republicanism in the last century was much more difficult than today.

- What do you think, could founding fathers of the Republic live in modern Azerbaijan? If yes, what party would they prefer to join?

- Founding father of the Republic were guided by noble ideas and conceptions. They saw country"s welfare and prosperity in pursuing an ideology they created; they aspired to make Azerbaijan live and develop under the banner of independence. They were forced to stand against the domestic opposition, groupings; yet, they were fed by intertests of the country and national values, and they held out. For them, interests of the countty and national values proved to be above political conjuncture.and group interests. They prioritized motherland, nation and state. It was no mere coincidence that they lived abroad, live a hard life of "migrants but they never betrayed thir ideals and principles; declined from conforming new realities. The most important thing for them was the independence of Azerrbaijan. They begrudged neither time nor energy for their motherland and did their utmost for the prosperity of independent Azerbaijan. Despite all hardships of country"s independent existence, they were guided, first of all, by interests of Azerbaijan, its independence and statehood. Nowadays Azerbaijan keeps on developing, enhancing the national army, independent police, independent structures and organizations; the country is engaged in strengthening the statehood and parliamentarianism. True, there are certain problems and shortcomings to be removed. Despite difficulties around restricted democracy and human rights protection, founding fathers of the Azerbaijani Republic would be proud with present-day Azerbaijan and like to live in this country.

- Even under current conditions? Despite issues you have mentioned?

- Should they face the current situation, they as sober-minded politicians would make effective steps to change the situation for the better. The point is about our topical issues. There is no another Azerbaijan, so we have to turn our country into a strong state. This task is of top priority for vour country irrespective of political views, affiliation with the power or the opposition; it is a sacred duty of every Azerbaijani. Indeed, as Azerbaijan becomes stronger, we, in turn, gain a status of citizens of a strong state. It is natural that the founders of Azerbaijan would prefer to integrate the country inro the turkic world to develop geopolitically and tie together with Turkey. They would turn Azerbaijan.into the largest educational centre of the Caucasus, do their best to ensure political freedoms, in particular, economic freedoms, freedom od word, etc. Note that an issue of our statehood and independence is in the centre of relations between the power and the opposition. Should our independence and state be pressured, we should protect our ideals, our motherland. I"d like to point out that the philosoiphy and world outlook of our glorious predecessors are the incarnation of political matureness and patriotism. A research into the present-day situation in Azerbaijan reveals that various unfavorable external and internal factors make it no possible to build a mature Azerbaijani society, develop a real democracy, ensure the supremacy of the law and create effective system of education. However, it is hoped that the situation would change for the better in the near future. We are sure to create a society in Azerbaijan based on principles and provisions as set forth in the works and statements of republicanism founders in azerbaijan. God grant, we shall liberate our lands, and Azerbaijan will become a strong and prosdpering state.

- What"s your opinion on the continuation of traditions and legacy of founders of the democratic republic in Azerbaijan? What steps are needed to make for implementation of these ideas in practice?

- The human factor is an integral component of all undertakings. Even if oil gushers crop up everywhere in Azerbaijan, we shall attain nothing without the human factor resolution. In the centre of all human troubles there are questions of education and cultivation of the man of merit. It is essential, in the first turn, to start with the primary education. It is essential to change the system of education; develop it in compliance with realities of our epoch on the basis of our national values, traditions, psycholohy and values. The system of education has to follow requirements of epoch to comply with present-day cultural demands. And again, it is necessary to start with addressing issues of education. It is our duty to turn Azerbaijan into an education centre of top quality; into a centre over the interception of "silk way". We must do our utmost to draw people worldwide into Azerbaijan for top-quality education; for study of culture and history of the Orient. We must develop modern technologies with a special emphasis on human and technolofical fsactors. A notion of "patriotism" is due to include national values that teach the new generation to love the motherland unselfishly; contribute to the developoment of historical, national, linguistic and religious consciousness. Expectations stated above found their reflection in the works, world outlook , activity and struggle of iur great predecessors. By educating the oncoming generation in the spirit of the above-cited values, we are sure to meet our major targets.

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