Mubariz Gurbanli about Causes of Religious Radicalism

The head of the State Committee for Work with Religious Organizations Mubariz Gurbanli in an interview with the Voice of America ​​and Turan IA shared his vision of the fight against religious radicalism and the influence of forces patronizing radicals on Azerbaijan.

When asked about the participation of citizens of Azerbaijan in radical religious groups in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq and Syria, Gurbanli said that the reasons are different.

Firstly, there is lack of religious education. Secondly, many young people are in search of adventure. Some young people want to experience the "romance of war." In addition, agitation and propaganda of radical religious structures play their role.

With regard to the appointment of emirs by some radical religious structures in Azerbaijan and the Caucasus as a whole, it is a kind of political initiative. Such appointments by radical groups that do not have public support and effort look ridiculous. "This kind of" purpose "cannot influence the socio-political life of Azerbaijan", he added.

Concerning the use of factors of foreign radical groups against Azerbaijan on the eve of the European Games, Gurbanli believes that such initiatives could come from certain circles not wanting to see Azerbaijan strengthened in the region.

"We now have economic and trade relations with 150 countries of the world. I do not think that some radical groups in Muslim countries may oppose the European Games in Baku," said Gurbanli, recalling that in 2017 the Games of Islamic Countries will be held in Azerbaijan. In any case, attempts to interfere with the Games in Baku will be stopped by law enforcement agencies of Azerbaijan, he said.

Responding to a question about the reasons of religious radicalism, Gurbanli said that it is inherent not only to Islam. A similar phenomenon occurs in Christianity and even in the most tolerant religion - Buddhism. There are elements of radicalism and extremism among Jews.

"That is why the fight against religious radicalism and extremism must be international. In this sense, all states should be united, as religious radicalism and extremism leads to terrorism, which has no religion or nationality. In this sense, there is a great need for cooperation among states, the head of the State Committee underscored. -03B-

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